Just had bad Edema in my legs and Tho my doctors were stumped, I traced it to CF

Malnutrition is the short answer for why CF patients experience edema.

but since I'm a dirty hippie I'm deeply questioned about my alcohol use which has been pretty low for many years. I told them, no, I have CF and it's pretty likely that it's the cause.

Sure enough after getting home from the emergency room and searching "edema + Cystic Fibrosis" I find the reason. Pancreatic insufficiency and the malnutrition it causes results in the edema I'd been experiencing and the doctors couldn't explain it.

I'm at the point were I hate eating. I remember my mother reaching that point. She couldn't cook anymore she said. She said my father could cook now. And he did that for about 13 years I think. She couldn't eat anything unless it was really, really, good or outright gourmet.

I'm pretty much there. Got to have delicious or I'm not eating it.