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  1. B

    Sterilizing pari mask

    Thank you that worked great. Do you use a new mask with each neb? Or do you run the dishwasher after each treatment?
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    Sterilizing pari mask

    My doctor recommended that i try to use a mask with my hypersal to see if my sinuses improve. How do you sterilize the neb mask? I wash my nebs in hot soapy water and rinse them, then I sterilize in a baby bottle sterilizer and dry them. Do you have a separate mask for each neb cup? How do...
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    Need help with 504 plan

    By the way with the teachers having to put the makeup work in writing they write very little and excuse a ton of work. My daughter continues to get perfect math and near perfect reading scores on our stated wide testing, so you would be amazed how much makeup work is redundant and review that...
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    Need help with 504 plan

    something that may help each of you. My daughter is in 8th grade so the work load of missed work has increased over the years while her late to school, absences, doctor appoint,ENTs have also increased. A few accommodations we have added to her plan. 1. Absences and lates are excused medical...
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    Help! Sterilizing

    I soak in hot soapy water for a few minutes rinse with tap water and put the neb in a large container. I keep adding dirty nebs until I run out. Then I put all the dirty nebs into the Avnet 3 in 1 baby bottle sterilizer with distiller water. I open the sterilizer and ensure the nebs are dry...
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    Omron Micro-Air Electronic Nebulizer System NE-U22V

    We have this nebulizer from when we thought my daughter had asthma and no pulmonologist had ever explained how to sterilize nebs. Nth is nebulizer cannot be sterilized. I asked my CF clinic and was told never to use this.
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    Need help with 504 plan

    Have you spoken to the social worker at your CF clinic? Each state is a little different regarding 504 plans and health plans in school. My experience was we needed to start with a letter from my daughter's pediatrician stating she had health issues that were chronic and severe enough to...
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    Maybe CF, Maybe not?

    Is your son DDF508. I thought DD meant 2 F508 genes which means CF. Or does your son have 1 gene with the DeltaF508 genetic mutation? Regardless of his next sweat test I would request Ambry full sequencing including deletions and duplications. Don't accept another company if any way...
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    Maybe CF, Maybe not?

    Thanks for the response just an update the house heat is off and our humid Spring has begun. This is great news for her hands.
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    Thoughts on Missing Recess

    A chbild should never be punished for something they cannot control and should always have a consequence for what they can control. If your son is gettingt OT because of a writing difficulty then his work should be modified to meet his current skill level. If your son is not getting his work...
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    Oxygen Treatment ?

    Has your son done a test for exercise toleration? I'm not sure how it is done, but maybe he needs oxygen when he exercises? What about his vitamin levels and\or CFRD? Best wishes
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    I'm 36 37 this June and I am not going through menopause.
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    Pain in throat\neck with deep breath right side only?

    I have pain in my throat and neck pain, but only on the right side. It hurts very little when I swallow, but hurts a lot when I cough. It hurts a lot with a deep breathe. Hypertonic saline does not hurt at all. This is affecting my mucus clearance. It feels different then strep throat...
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    Vest noises

    Do you have a HillRom vest? My daughter's started changing sound and when I loked at the hose the rings around the solid hose came loose. We got new hoses overnight and the sound was back to normal.
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    which worked for you better?

    My understanding is these medicines are different. Flovent is a steroid. Pulmicort is a much stronger steroid. Adair is Flovent plus a long acting version of albuterol. Ad air would theoretically work best if on your PFTs you have a significant improvement in fev1 after albuterol. One...
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    My newborn's IRT levels

    i would make sure when you do the sweat test it is done at a CFf accredited center. Just go to to see the closest CFf accredited center. Even if it is a drive it is worth it to get an accurate test result.
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    Medical bills...

    I agree with you. I feel like such a burden to my family and worry about money now when I never worried about money before. We are not rich, but my husband and I both have master's degrees and hold 2 jobs each. We went into the military and serviced our tome to pay for college. i feel like...
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    i spent 4 years at the Air Force Academy, 5 years active duty Air Force, and a few more years in the reserves. In the physical paperwork you must disclose any medical diagnosis in your record after age 12. I did not know I had CF until I entered the inactive ready reserve. I am now separated...
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    Allergies with low IGE

    how should they be treated? I tried allergy shots for 5 years with 2 different allergists. I have tried all the nose sprays and pills the allergist recommended. I do sinus rinses. Could you point toward any of the papers from unc or Stanford. I would like to learn more. i hate steroids...
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    Allergies with low IGE

    why do they think she has allergies? Does she have a stuffy nose and is her mucus clear?