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  1. R

    Inspiring video of a 35 yr old who has CF and a double lung transplant

    Wiping tears away. Very nice video, and very inspiring. Your brother must be an incredible person. I hope this is not a stupid question. Whose grave was pictured in the last clip?
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    Infant diagnosed-Confused-Hurting

    Hi, your life with your child is going to be everything you hoped it would be. One day, soon, you'll be doing normal things like birthday parties, slumber parties, trips to Disneyland. It just doesn't feel like it now because it is a lot to take in all it once. We can fight this disease now...
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    UK Gene Therapy Trial Update

    Thanks for giving us something to hope for today. GenH, I just sent you a friend request on FB. I love to see talented, bright people with passion for life living and thriving in spite of CF. Thanks, rosesixtyfive, mother of Sam, ddf508, 4 years old
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    There must be a way to strengthen the immune system?

    Great news! Sam cleared a cold on his own. No antibiotics this time. We definitely have to celebrate the small things because they add up to big things. By the way, I did try more laughter and it is a great form of medicine. I will continue to hold him upside down and shake the sillies out...
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    There must be a way to strengthen the immune system?

    Hello all, Sam has been doing very well since his sinus surgery this summer. Sinus rinses have changed the chemistry of his nose. He has clear mucus and it something he can live with....BUT he stays on antibiotics. We have tried to write it off as, oh, it's just the age. He's in...
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    What do you really think the Vertex discoveries mean for us?

    I just can't help wondering what Vertex findings might mean for my baby. I am cautiously hopeful. Can you blame me? I read about people experiencing miracles after being on Kalydeco. For them it meant an end to round upon round of antibiotics, IVs, and hospitalizations, and end to sinus...
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    Vertex Meds for ddf508

    Has anyone heard recently a predicted date for the release of Vertex for ddf508 or am I jumping ahead to believe it will be this easy for its approval? I have heard as early as 2014, but I'm not sure. rosesixtyfive, mother of Sam, ddf508, 4 years old
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    Calista Therapeutics: F508del Research

    Hey, keep those articles coming GenH. They give us all hope. rosesixtyfive, mother of Sam, ddf508, 3 years old
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    The Invisible War

    Hey, PACmommy, sinus rinses really are amazing. I think Sam will get sinus infections, but the rinses keep him active. They make him feel well enough to get the exercise he needs for airway clearance.
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    Proteostasis: F508del Research

    Thanks for posting GenH. Do you get the feeling we are on the edge of a new frontier? rosesixtyfive, mother of Sam, 3 years old, ddf508
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    Kalydeco and sinus problems

    Thanks, Jenny! I really appreciate you and I am so happy that Abby has some relief.
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    Kalydeco and sinus problems

    Thanks so much Aboveallislove. That was posted at 2:00 AM last night as I was worrying about random CF things. Jenny replies frequently to my posts and I just looked at luckycfmom's blog.
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    Kalydeco and sinus problems

    Does anyone know if Kalydeco will help improve sinus problems? Anyone have any experience with it? I have been reading that it will more than likely improve pancreatic function. What about sinus issues? rosesixtyfive, mother of Sam, 3 years old, ddf508
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    The Invisible War

    Thank you so much, Little Lab. He actually got over this last cold, and I was so excited because I thought he had cleared it without antibiotics...then what do you know? A few days after clearing the cold, he started with symptoms of a sinus infection, so he is now on Cefdinir for 14 days...
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    The Invisible War

    Hey, Gibson75, have you been able to try sinus rinses on your 17 month old?
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    Is any other CFer jealous of other diseases?

    There was a rush of support when Sam was born and diagnosed a few days later, but the support does fade away. I have had people ask my husband and me if our son will eventually outgrow CF. I even have relatives in the immediate family who believe that it can be prayed away, that we could pray...
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    A sick plan that works

    We neb hypertonic saline 7% 2X a day, and pulmozyme 1 X Day, but we have never nebbed albuterol. I have been curious about why some people nebulize the albuterol while we just do a buffer.
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    A sick plan that works

    Yes, every time he gets a treatment we give 2 puffs, 6 breathes of albuterol to open airways.
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    A sick plan that works

    Hi, we are on day 4 of a cold and I am trying to help Sam clear it as quickly as possible. Our CF clinic does not really have what I have heard some parents call a "sick plan" so I am trying to make one on my own. Here is what I have been doing since Monday - I have increased the vest from 2...
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    The Invisible War

    Hey Ratatsok, is on Zithromax 7 days a week, and an additional antibiotic besides the Zithromax? And he takes those every day? Thanks!