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  1. L

    Newborn screening

    that is good to hear I'm from Michigan also
  2. L

    Newborn screening

    that is good to hear I'm from Michigan also
  3. L

    Newborn screening

    that is good to hear I'm from Michigan also
  4. L

    CF families in Michigan

    Hi just wanted to post that we are adding another location for the walk. It will be at heritage park in Taylor,MI on MAy 6,2007 if anyone is interested and would like to join the new location just email us and we'll keep you posted on whats happening with it. If anyone would like to help us out...
  5. L

    Just wondeing...........

    sorry i forgot to sign in the last post was from me
  6. L


    Hi I am new to this I read alot of things on it but have never written. My granddaughter who is a yeal old has CF she was born with it she is doing good right now most of her problems are with the digestive system but anyway the reason that I am writing is our family has been involved with the...