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  1. C

    WHat kind of tests/questions do they ask ?

    I to was in the hospital when I got the call, I think they gave me something to calm my nerves, the took allot of blood for the lab. I had an x-ray done, I got one of the anti-rejection pills not to sure which one, they gave me a bag of vitamin K to thicken my blood, and then a bag of blood. I...
  2. C


    I have pictures of my port on my blog if you what to see how it looks. I have my port in my chest, I was really skinny it the pictures and not wearing a bra. But when I'm wearing a bra you can't see it at all because the fat from your boobs push up into it and you can just see a scare and I...
  3. C


    I have pictures of my port on my blog if you what to see how it looks. I have my port in my chest, I was really skinny it the pictures and not wearing a bra. But when I'm wearing a bra you can't see it at all because the fat from your boobs push up into it and you can just see a scare and I...
  4. C


    I have pictures of my port on my blog if you what to see how it looks. I have my port in my chest, I was really skinny it the pictures and not wearing a bra. But when I'm wearing a bra you can't see it at all because the fat from your boobs push up into it and you can just see a scare and I...
  5. C


    I have pictures of my port on my blog if you what to see how it looks. I have my port in my chest, I was really skinny it the pictures and not wearing a bra. But when I'm wearing a bra you can't see it at all because the fat from your boobs push up into it and you can just see a scare and I...
  6. C


    I have pictures of my port on my blog if you what to see how it looks. I have my port in my chest, I was really skinny it the pictures and not wearing a bra. But when I'm wearing a bra you can't see it at all because the fat from your boobs push up into it and you can just see a scare and I...
  7. C

    Adult with CF to be featured on CBS Evening News

    Thanks for letting me know where to find the video, I just watch it. Its nice to see that he can do some thing like that!
  8. C

    Adult with CF to be featured on CBS Evening News

    Thanks for letting me know where to find the video, I just watch it. Its nice to see that he can do some thing like that!
  9. C

    Adult with CF to be featured on CBS Evening News

    Thanks for letting me know where to find the video, I just watch it. Its nice to see that he can do some thing like that!
  10. C

    Adult with CF to be featured on CBS Evening News

    Thanks for letting me know where to find the video, I just watch it. Its nice to see that he can do some thing like that!
  11. C

    Adult with CF to be featured on CBS Evening News

    Thanks for letting me know where to find the video, I just watch it. Its nice to see that he can do some thing like that!
  12. C

    Picture in signature

    Have you tried to use Photobucket instead!
  13. C

    Picture in signature

    Have you tried to use Photobucket instead!
  14. C

    Picture in signature

    Have you tried to use Photobucket instead!
  15. C

    Picture in signature

    Have you tried to use Photobucket instead!
  16. C

    Picture in signature

    Have you tried to use Photobucket instead!
  17. C

    What makes kids with CF such picky eaters?

    When I was a kid I was a really picky eater, I use to get into fights with my parents about it. I think for me it was more of a control thing, I was in denial of CF so I didn't want to take my pills, so I tryed not to eat too much and when I did, and my parent made me take my pill I would...
  18. C

    What makes kids with CF such picky eaters?

    When I was a kid I was a really picky eater, I use to get into fights with my parents about it. I think for me it was more of a control thing, I was in denial of CF so I didn't want to take my pills, so I tryed not to eat too much and when I did, and my parent made me take my pill I would...
  19. C

    What makes kids with CF such picky eaters?

    When I was a kid I was a really picky eater, I use to get into fights with my parents about it. I think for me it was more of a control thing, I was in denial of CF so I didn't want to take my pills, so I tryed not to eat too much and when I did, and my parent made me take my pill I would...
  20. C

    What makes kids with CF such picky eaters?

    When I was a kid I was a really picky eater, I use to get into fights with my parents about it. I think for me it was more of a control thing, I was in denial of CF so I didn't want to take my pills, so I tryed not to eat too much and when I did, and my parent made me take my pill I would...