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  1. J

    Some info on hydrogen peroxide

    H2O2 is highly irritating to mucous membranes, and for this reason I would not want it or its vapors near my nose or especially my lungs- dilute or not. Even in the lab our dilute 3% H2O2 solution MSDS (materials safety data sheet) tells us to use it in a fume hood. <br /> <br />Our 30% H2O2...
  2. J

    Don't eat the snow!

    that is one of the reasons why i don't go skiing, kelli! gross!
  3. J

    Don't eat the snow!

    that is one of the reasons why i don't go skiing, kelli! gross!
  4. J

    Don't eat the snow!

    that is one of the reasons why i don't go skiing, kelli! gross!
  5. J

    Don't eat the snow!

    that is one of the reasons why i don't go skiing, kelli! gross!
  6. J

    Don't eat the snow!

    that is one of the reasons why i don't go skiing, kelli! gross!
  7. J

    Do your antidepressants work?

    i take lexapro and it has made such a difference. I couldn't get out of bed most days before I started seeing a therapist and taking the meds. I've had a complete turnaround. I'm sure that the therapy is also playing a big part in this as well and should not be neglected as a factor.
  8. J

    Do your antidepressants work?

    i take lexapro and it has made such a difference. I couldn't get out of bed most days before I started seeing a therapist and taking the meds. I've had a complete turnaround. I'm sure that the therapy is also playing a big part in this as well and should not be neglected as a factor.
  9. J

    Do your antidepressants work?

    i take lexapro and it has made such a difference. I couldn't get out of bed most days before I started seeing a therapist and taking the meds. I've had a complete turnaround. I'm sure that the therapy is also playing a big part in this as well and should not be neglected as a factor.
  10. J

    Do your antidepressants work?

    i take lexapro and it has made such a difference. I couldn't get out of bed most days before I started seeing a therapist and taking the meds. I've had a complete turnaround. I'm sure that the therapy is also playing a big part in this as well and should not be neglected as a factor.
  11. J

    Do your antidepressants work?

    i take lexapro and it has made such a difference. I couldn't get out of bed most days before I started seeing a therapist and taking the meds. I've had a complete turnaround. I'm sure that the therapy is also playing a big part in this as well and should not be neglected as a factor.
  12. J

    How to turn pft read-outs into percentages

    sally, I do the same thing (i'm such a geek sometimes). I just graph the actual FEV-1 number in liters, since I get that every single time I go. The % predicted can change depending on the reference they put into the computer (if I go to the adult lab it's an adult scale and if I go to the...
  13. J

    How to turn pft read-outs into percentages

    sally, I do the same thing (i'm such a geek sometimes). I just graph the actual FEV-1 number in liters, since I get that every single time I go. The % predicted can change depending on the reference they put into the computer (if I go to the adult lab it's an adult scale and if I go to the...
  14. J

    How to turn pft read-outs into percentages

    sally, I do the same thing (i'm such a geek sometimes). I just graph the actual FEV-1 number in liters, since I get that every single time I go. The % predicted can change depending on the reference they put into the computer (if I go to the adult lab it's an adult scale and if I go to the...
  15. J

    How to turn pft read-outs into percentages

    sally, I do the same thing (i'm such a geek sometimes). I just graph the actual FEV-1 number in liters, since I get that every single time I go. The % predicted can change depending on the reference they put into the computer (if I go to the adult lab it's an adult scale and if I go to the...
  16. J

    How to turn pft read-outs into percentages

    sally, I do the same thing (i'm such a geek sometimes). I just graph the actual FEV-1 number in liters, since I get that every single time I go. The % predicted can change depending on the reference they put into the computer (if I go to the adult lab it's an adult scale and if I go to the...
  17. J

    Doing the vest with a port?

    Your daughter having a port was a good decision that you made. I wish I hadn't waited so long to get mine! It makes everything so much easier and my arms aren't torn up from picc after picc. Like others have said, manual PT is a good idea until the incision heals. For me, the vest can be a...
  18. J

    Doing the vest with a port?

    Your daughter having a port was a good decision that you made. I wish I hadn't waited so long to get mine! It makes everything so much easier and my arms aren't torn up from picc after picc. Like others have said, manual PT is a good idea until the incision heals. For me, the vest can be a...
  19. J

    Doing the vest with a port?

    Your daughter having a port was a good decision that you made. I wish I hadn't waited so long to get mine! It makes everything so much easier and my arms aren't torn up from picc after picc. Like others have said, manual PT is a good idea until the incision heals. For me, the vest can be a...
  20. J

    Doing the vest with a port?

    Your daughter having a port was a good decision that you made. I wish I hadn't waited so long to get mine! It makes everything so much easier and my arms aren't torn up from picc after picc. Like others have said, manual PT is a good idea until the incision heals. For me, the vest can be a...