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  1. T


    I was born at birth with cf so i knew that hospitalizations were going to be a part of the equation, i mean come on u can't have cf and not be hospitalized at some point in your life. But since 2008 it just has gotten real bad I think I have been hospitalized about 20-30 times, i mean don't get...
  2. T


    I was born at birth with cf so i knew that hospitalizations were going to be a part of the equation, i mean come on u can't have cf and not be hospitalized at some point in your life. But since 2008 it just has gotten real bad I think I have been hospitalized about 20-30 times, i mean don't get...
  3. T


    I was born at birth with cf so i knew that hospitalizations were going to be a part of the equation, i mean come on u can't have cf and not be hospitalized at some point in your life. But since 2008 it just has gotten real bad I think I have been hospitalized about 20-30 times, i mean don't get...
  4. T

    Manual CPT vs Vest?

    now, as a person born with cf I can tell u from great experience that hands down manual chest pt is the best and only way.Coming up i would get chest pt 2 times a day for 16 years than that special person that did that for me died and i never had manual chest pt as well as she used to do. But I...
  5. T

    Manual CPT vs Vest?

    now, as a person born with cf I can tell u from great experience that hands down manual chest pt is the best and only way.Coming up i would get chest pt 2 times a day for 16 years than that special person that did that for me died and i never had manual chest pt as well as she used to do. But I...
  6. T

    Manual CPT vs Vest?

    now, as a person born with cf I can tell u from great experience that hands down manual chest pt is the best and only way.Coming up i would get chest pt 2 times a day for 16 years than that special person that did that for me died and i never had manual chest pt as well as she used to do. But I...
  7. T

    When antibiotics aren't working... what do you do?

    I can relate to what your going thru but im not there just yet and to say the least u should sue that hospital they cant just release u because they dont know what else to do and get another doctor cause its just plain to see that he doesnt have your best interest at heart. My doctor would...
  8. T

    When antibiotics aren't working... what do you do?

    I can relate to what your going thru but im not there just yet and to say the least u should sue that hospital they cant just release u because they dont know what else to do and get another doctor cause its just plain to see that he doesnt have your best interest at heart. My doctor would...
  9. T

    When antibiotics aren't working... what do you do?

    I can relate to what your going thru but im not there just yet and to say the least u should sue that hospital they cant just release u because they dont know what else to do and get another doctor cause its just plain to see that he doesnt have your best interest at heart. My doctor would...
  10. T

    Please help me..I need relief

    yo my man it sounds like u need to stay in the hospital for a tune up for about 2 weeks till they can stop that blood, ya problem is probably u coughin to hard and your lungs can only stand for so long until u start to tear the inner wall of your lungs, they as thin as tissue paper and you...
  11. T

    Please help me..I need relief

    yo my man it sounds like u need to stay in the hospital for a tune up for about 2 weeks till they can stop that blood, ya problem is probably u coughin to hard and your lungs can only stand for so long until u start to tear the inner wall of your lungs, they as thin as tissue paper and you...
  12. T

    Please help me..I need relief

    yo my man it sounds like u need to stay in the hospital for a tune up for about 2 weeks till they can stop that blood, ya problem is probably u coughin to hard and your lungs can only stand for so long until u start to tear the inner wall of your lungs, they as thin as tissue paper and you...