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  1. O

    Just for fun but CF related - Real things doctors have said to me in the hospital

    The best one a doctor has ever told me was "are you aware you have Cystic Fibosis". Thank you, I had no idea...
  2. O

    Just for fun but CF related - Real things doctors have said to me in the hospital

    The best one a doctor has ever told me was "are you aware you have Cystic Fibosis". Thank you, I had no idea...
  3. O


    That is really weird. I had no problem. CF has nothing to do with your mental state or causes you to have seizures as you know. I think someones just giving you a hard time.
  4. O


    That is really weird. I had no problem. CF has nothing to do with your mental state or causes you to have seizures as you know. I think someones just giving you a hard time.
  5. O


    That is really weird. I had no problem. CF has nothing to do with your mental state or causes you to have seizures as you know. I think someones just giving you a hard time.