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  1. E

    An Overstock of Extra Enzymes

    I know someone in New Zealand who would benefit greatly from the Pertzye!!! Message me if you would be willing to send it to her and I will get you in contact with her blessings, missa
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    boiling nebs and water?

    Triple15, we do not rinse afterward...
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    boiling nebs and water?

    We just put vinegar In with the water and nebs and boil them
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    How do you survive on 20/80 insurance plans?

    Thank you for the info everyone!!! We were in Arizona 5 years ago and using CRS...but they have changed the rules and you must be at poverty level to qualify. Something really needs to change with our is appalling that people are making so much money off the sickness of others...
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    How do you survive on 20/80 insurance plans?

    Thank you both, for your replies. I was feeling like we were never going to get back to our family and friends. Now you have given me some hope. We will be receiving the health benefits information today and pray that it will work for us!!! blessings, missa
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    How do you survive on 20/80 insurance plans?

    Hello all, we are desperately trying to move back home to Arizona. We are currently in Minnesota under state health care and are thankful that they cover all of our boys' expenses. Arizona has no state aid as far as I know of? And all the jobs the hubby is finding have the insurance plans that...
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    does anyone take oil of oregano every day

    I have been loitering in a number of essential oil forums:) The rule of thumb, is use it for a maximum of 10 days in a row. Then take a break, maybe a week or so and start up again. blessings, missa
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    Moving to Hawaii

    We have just recently moved back to the mainland from the Big Island of Hawaii. The reason for moving back is the lack of healthcare, basically anywhere on the islands. We did see a pediatric pulmonologist on Oahu, who seemed a little knowledgeable, but was not pleasant to be around:( I was...
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    Vest Question

    The idea is to try and go as high as your daughter can go with frequency. To figure that out, put the pressure down to 4 or 5 and then see how high a frequency she can handle. Once you figure that out, you can set up the vest with alternations. This is what my 6 year old does...
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    Any experts on PSI for nebulizer compressors???

    Thanks all for your feedback. I would be lost without this forum!!! blessings, missa
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    Any experts on PSI settings for nebulizer compressor??

    Thank You calebf for your reply. That was exactly what I wanted to hear. With kids, they can't always tell you if something seems to be working better or not. So I am glad to know that you feel a difference for the better. As a side note, the medical supply place sent us 14 foot...
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    Any experts on PSI for nebulizer compressors???

    We just received our new precision medical 50 PSI compressor. I read somewhere that 25 PSI is a good PSI to use. But our respiratory therapist told us to just stick with 8 PSI. We go to the University of Minnesota CF clinic, and they want CFers to be nebbing something the whole time they are...
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    Any experts on PSI settings for nebulizer compressor??

    We just received our new precision medical 50 PSI compressor. I read somewhere that 25 PSI is a good PSI to use. But our respiratory therapist told us to just stick with 8 PSI. We go to the University of Minnesota CF clinic, and they want CFers to be nebbing something the whole time they are...
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    cleaning nebulizer pieces?

    This shows what I do .... ....except instead of using the germ guardian to dry, I now put all nebulizer parts in the oven on warm for 30 minutes. When nebs are in the oven, I have a magnet on my stove to remind me not to turn it on...
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    Pseudomonas has shown it's ugly head.

    I would recommend tons of probiotics while on Cipro. My son is on Cipro right now and he is on 50 billions units of probiotics. It helps tremendously with belly pain and nasty poops! I would also recommend looking into adding Magnesium, if you are not doing it! This blog post will explain...
  16. E

    How do I fix bloating and looking like I'm a pregnant guy?

    The trouble is not having an allergy to Gluten, it is more just being intolerant. When wheat/white flour is combined with water it becomes like a glue. I think that especially CF bellies have trouble digesting that glue like substance. You are welcome to check out a post I did a while back on...
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    How do I fix bloating and looking like I'm a pregnant guy?

    Both my boys have CF...once they went gluten free, the Budha belly completely disappeared. They used to wake up with a flat belly and then by the end of the day, their bellies were poking out so much, that you could see their skin stretching. blessings, missa
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    how to turn 10,000 unit creon capsule into 2500 units creon capsule

    I would figure out the general amount of beads in the 10,000 cap and then divide that by 4. Then you can count out the estimated number of beads for 2500 units blessings, missa
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    We were told you could have an ultrasound done, to see if the vas deferens are present.
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    Drying Nebs

    I have started putting them in the oven on warm, it is the perfect temperature to have them dry in less then 30 minutes. Be careful though, I didn't take them out after the 30 minutes and just turned off the oven, then a while later I turned the oven on to bake some cookies and I instead baked...