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  1. C

    my son's future sex life

    Weird message title, but I couldn't resist! My son is only seven and we haven't had the "talk" yet. The other day my husband and I were talking about what and how to tell him that he will be infertile. My husband does not want to tell him because he thinks that will give him permission to be...
  2. C

    I'm back!

    Hi everyone, I haven't been on for about two months. I finally had the baby, he's awesome. His name is Jackson, he was 7lbs 6ozs, and was born March 6th. I ended spending almost 3 weeks in the hospital on strict bedrest because my blood pressure was very high, I was bored out of my mind and I...
  3. C

    He's coming!!

    I went to my OB today and got quite a surprise. I'm 35 weeks (36 on Friday) and I'm already dilated 2cm and my blood pressure was 150/100. He's worried about my blood pressure and may put me in the hospital if it dosen't go down by friday. He also "uncorked" me (removed my mucus plug) to get...
  4. C

    It's a boy

    I just found out yesterday that I am having another boy! I really wanted a girl and I thought that I would be upset if I found out it was another boy, but I am thrilled. Harrison is bouncing off the walls with excitement. The ultrasound showed that everything looked great, no problems yet...
  5. C

    I'm pregnant

    I am pregnant! I am freaked out and am on an emotional roller-coaster. We have really wanted to have another child, I always imagined having several. When our son was diagnosed with CF we stopped trying until we were both 100% in agreement with our decision. Five years later we still are...
  6. C

    why do I have this?

    I was babysitting my 6 month old nephew a few days ago and my son was playing with him on the floor. He loves his baby cousin and started to massage his back and then he started to do CPT on the baby. I told him that his cousin doesn't need CPT because he does not have CF. He got pretty upset...
  7. C

    I lost my job

    I got fired yesterday and I am pretty pissed! My son was in the hospital for two weeks in Feb. for a tune-up. He is doing great now but still has bad days where I need to stay home and give him extra treatments, etc... I have Crohn's disease. which is a digestive disease causing ulcerations...
  8. C

    ruptured eardrum

    Hello, my son ruptured his eardrum a few days ago and I was wondering if any other CFers experienced this. He felt sluggish all day and was real whiny at bedtime (he's five) he woke up around two in the morning with a high fever and stomach ache. He said his hear hurt and was in a lot of pain...
  9. C

    Where's Emily?

    [No message]
  10. C

    Great Strides

    We just did our Great Strides walk this morning at Six Flags, in Arlington Texas. Over $263,000 were raised!!!! I don't think we have ever been so hot in our life, it was 108degrees. It was also my son's 5th birthday and he had a blast. By the time we went home his hair was covered with...
  11. C

    CF movie

    I was on ebay earlier and I came across a movie about a man with CF. It's called Sick: The Life and Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist. It sounds pretty interesting and a bit "unconventional". Has anyone heard or seen it?