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  1. S

    Cf-patients in Russia, what do they need most ?

    Hi ! I didn´t know where to put my question, but finally i put it here. Im going to be a sponsor through an organisation who normally take care of russian kids during summer, here in Sweden. Some kids can´t travel and one of these is a CF girl who im going to be a sponsor to. I know people in...
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    Flushing the port with Heparin ?

    Hi ! The last Iv-cures I have been taken, I have been feeling a strange feeling when I flush with Heparin. I wonder if someone more feel like me when they flush their port-a-cath ? And if you Think it´s serious to talk about my doctor about ? 10 seconds after I flushed the heparin, my hearing...
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    Endometriosis ?

    Hi ! Is endometriosis usual among cf-ladies ? I just got the diagnose and whonder how usual it is ? Any one who want to tell about it ?
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    Someone who wants a penpal ?

    Hi ! I like to write letters to fill my spare time with. I would like to have someone with cf to write to, and offcourse we will write about other things than cf too. I hope you will enjoy a penpal and write me. No matter where in the World you come from, but we write in English though :). I...
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    Someone who has chronical rejection ?

    Hi ! After 15 years with my donors lung I started to feel worse in my lungs, and last year I got the diagnose, that I already had manage to find out myself, chronical rejection. I got short breath as fast as I do something, my blowresaults are worse, I got back a port-a-cath, because the old...
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    Questions about cronical rejection !

    Hi !I have some questions about a cronical rejection. How does it feel in the beginning when you start to get a cronical rejection ? Is it anybode here who can tell me who has cronical rejection ? What can you do about it, more then get a new pair of lungs ? Please let me know.<br>
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    Lungtransplanted and pregnancies ?

    <br><strong><font color="#333333" size="3" face="comic sans ms">Hi !</font></strong><strong><font color="#333333" size="3" face="comic sans ms">Is there anyone who is transplanted and has delivered a baby on this website ? How did they do with the meds in that case and how dou you feel during...