Search results

  1. R

    Hcg levels

    Does CF and/or CFRD affect the hcg levels you produce?
  2. R

    Denied by Social Security

    I've had SSI all 18 (almost) years of my life. I just had to go back to the office to switch over to the adult. The woman that has been working my case all these years told me that you will get a letter of decline usually and if you do then go through with the appeals process. However, I have...
  3. R

    Disability (SSI)

    Anyone receiving SSI for disability related to CF? I'm fixing to turn 18 and have not had a job. I was told if I got a job then my SSI would be cut out and I receive that through my insurance. Problem being, I NEED INSURANCE. What is a good alternative? I'm a bit confused. I was told that I may...
  4. R

    Disability (SSI)

    Anyone receiving SSI for disability related to CF? I'm fixing to turn 18 and have not had a job. I was told if I got a job then my SSI would be cut out and I receive that through my insurance. Problem being, I NEED INSURANCE. What is a good alternative? I'm a bit confused. I was told that I may...
  5. R

    Kalydeco Medicine

    So what symptoms/side effects have you experieced? Anything unusual? My cervical mucus has been thinning out....
  6. R

    Kalydeco Medicine

    So what symptoms/side effects have you experieced? Anything unusual? My cervical mucus has been thinning out....
  7. R

    Am I the only one that feels this way?

    If they were a true friend they would understad you doing your treatments and encourage you and be there for you
  8. R

    Am I the only one that feels this way?

    If they were a true friend they would understad you doing your treatments and encourage you and be there for you
  9. R

    Am I the only one that feels this way?

    If they were a true friend they would understad you doing your treatments and encourage you and be there for you
  10. R

    Am I the only one that feels this way?

    If they were a true friend they would understad you doing your treatments and encourage you and be there for you
  11. R

    CF Adult Center

    Can anyone tell me a good Adult CF Center located around the Hattiesburg/Waynesboro Mississippi area???
  12. R

    CF Adult Center

    Can anyone tell me a good Adult CF Center located around the Hattiesburg/Waynesboro Mississippi area???
  13. R

    Career Path (HELP!!)

    Thank you everyone. You all have really helped me!
  14. R

    Career Path (HELP!!)

    Thank you everyone. You all have really helped me!
  15. R

    Career Path (HELP!!)

    I'm not going into liberal arts, not going into something that doesn't interest me. I've decided to just become an English teacher. Marine biology would require me to swim and I don't know how to plus hold my breath for long periods of time. I wanted to become a criminal investigator of some...
  16. R

    Career Path (HELP!!)

    I'm not going into liberal arts, not going into something that doesn't interest me. I've decided to just become an English teacher. Marine biology would require me to swim and I don't know how to plus hold my breath for long periods of time. I wanted to become a criminal investigator of some...
  17. R

    Career Path (HELP!!)

    Not everyone in my family is supportive. They mostly want me to go into healthcare, but I refuse to. They don't understand that I'd be exposing myself to other's germs. I've taken a few career tests online, now they're saying criminal justice. While I have thought about doing investigation or...
  18. R

    Career Path (HELP!!)

    Not everyone in my family is supportive. They mostly want me to go into healthcare, but I refuse to. They don't understand that I'd be exposing myself to other's germs. I've taken a few career tests online, now they're saying criminal justice. While I have thought about doing investigation or...
  19. R

    Career Path (HELP!!)

    I talked to my counselor, she wasn't any help. If anything, she made things worse by putting even more topics and stuff on me. So I don't really know who else to go to...
  20. R

    Career Path (HELP!!)

    I talked to my counselor, she wasn't any help. If anything, she made things worse by putting even more topics and stuff on me. So I don't really know who else to go to...