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  1. P

    No light at the end of the tunnel

    Thanks to everyone, I am still having a bad time at the minute as my husband and I are juggling going to the hospital and also trying to be normal (whatever that is) with our son, who is 2 and realises that Ruby is not around. Her salts have gone up to 130 and they should be 135 - 140 so things...
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    No light at the end of the tunnel

    My baby girl has been admitted to hospital and is now on IV Anti Bio but they dont know what is wrong with her. She is needing oxygen and her breathing is slower than normal. She will not feed. Her X ray has come back ok and i am waiting for her cough swab result... She is only 4 months and I...
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    Skiing in france

    My Husband Nathan and I just love going skiing..WE took our son Joe when he was only one and hope that he will take up the sport...I know my Ruby is only a baby at the Moment but is there anything to stop her from sking one day...?? I dont know how the high altitude effects Cfers????? WE usually...
  4. P

    Effects of humidity on people with CF

    Greg, i have spoken to my doctor about this...and he said the same ..its the fact that they can lose a lot of salt through the heat.....
  5. P

    Gene Therapy????

    Thanks Kelli, I will have a look...Give big hugs to your little sweetie Sydney xx
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    Gene Therapy????

    i have been told by my doctors that something is in the offering in relation to CF...I have been told that they are looking at large clinical Trails where by Cf'ers will have to use a nebuliser maybe 4 times a year which will put the corrected gene into the lungs..My doc says its like money in...
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    Surgery Today...

    Lindsay, Thats Brilliant to hear i am so so pleased.....she is such a tough little cookie.Love to you all x x
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    CF stories

    Kelli That was just Fab to watch.......She is such a little sweetheart......How wonderful to watch, that has really cheered me and my husband up.....My little boy Joseph was asking who she was..... Paula
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    How and when to tell a child that he has cf

    Who is th author and can you get it on line...I would like to explain it to my son and nephews....Im am from the UK so how can i go about getting it??? Paula
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    After my baby was diganosed with Cf ( 2 months ago) a doctor said to me 'You and your husband better get tested in case you have CF!!!!!' I had to explain it and she looked at right wally !!!! How frightening.....
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    CF stories

    Thats lovely,,,Thanks its just want i needed to hear right now..
  12. P

    Surgery Today...

    Thinking of you all xxx
  13. P


    Thanks Melissa it never entered my head that you could hire someone to do it for you...I do it 4 times a day for my baby 2 good ones morning and night and 2 little ones in between.....No one has really explained it to me...can you feel the mucus moving??/and then do you cough it up??? I dont...
  14. P


    Thanks Julie i will have a look..I just wanted to know how people feel doing both systems...To me if they work the same but give my daughter a bit of relief then i am for it...By relief i mean can you walk around when you have the Vests on and do other things...I know this sounds stupid but its...