Search results

  1. C

    Non profits for transplant fundraising

    Starting my research on organizations that manage fundraised money for transplant and have found a few--COTA, NFT, HelpHopeLive. Does anyone have experience with any of them or have any insight on how they differ? Know of any others? Is it hard to get reimbursed or do they pay bills directly...
  2. C

    Transplanted CF patient aired on ABC's NY Med show

    Anyone see the episode with Lindsey McLaughlin last night? If not, you can watch it on ABC's site. The show was a documentary spanning a few weeks including getting "the call." Uplifting, eye-opening and tear inducing. Good demo of how top-notch many of the professionals we deal with are. I'm...
  3. C

    Ever dreaded a hospital stay?

    I dreaded my first tuneup so much I put it off for years after my docs suggested it. Meanwhile my numbers kept dropping. Once I finally got in the groove they weren't as bad, just like most other major changes like accepting diabetes and needing oxygen with exercise. I'm thinking of starting a...