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  1. E

    Getting the cost of Mini One AMT coverered

    We have twin girls with CF. They are 11 months old and after battling with ng feeds for the last 10 months- they had Mini One tubes placed last week. Going into the surgery- the doctors told us that we would have 3 mini ones covered each year through insurance. But now as we are trying to...
  2. E

    Getting the cost of Mini One AMT coverered

    We have twin girls with CF. They are 11 months old and after battling with ng feeds for the last 10 months- they had Mini One tubes placed last week. Going into the surgery- the doctors told us that we would have 3 mini ones covered each year through insurance. But now as we are trying to...
  3. E

    Getting the cost of Mini One AMT coverered

    We have twin girls with CF. They are 11 months old and after battling with ng feeds for the last 10 months- they had Mini One tubes placed last week. Going into the surgery- the doctors told us that we would have 3 mini ones covered each year through insurance. But now as we are trying to get...
  4. E

    Overnight feeds of infants leading to SUPER WET mornings

    Hey all- I wasn't sure where to post this... thought "families" was my best bet. I have 9 month old twins who are on overnight feeds through an ng (soon to be g tube). Despite all efforts they wet the beds through their diaps EVERYDAY. WE use cloth diapers religiously with inserts at night-...
  5. E

    Mic-key/Mini versus G Tube?

    Thank you all for your support concerning the my girls possible g-tubes. I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on Mic-key vs Mini vs traditional G Tube. My girls are army scooting and spending a lot of time on their bellies. I am worried about the pull out factor with all this tummy...
  6. E

    Where do you turn...

    My twins are 8 months old now. They were diagnosed at 4 weeks. It was a total shock- I had a screen when pregnant with my first and it was negative- guess it was a false negative. I think that we have a realistic view of CF. We have family living with it and doing well. I was going to...
  7. E

    When to consider a G Tube

    I have twin daughters with cystic fibrosis. They were born 6 weeks premature- and were twins. So they started out life small. They have also been taking Creon since 4 weeks old. They just stopped NG feeds 2 months ago (they are now 8 months old). They each have had great weeks and poor...