Search results

  1. D

    CF- Intimacy and Reproductive Health

    Hi Everyone, Thanks a million to everyone who has shared their opinions so far! About the length of the survey: Most people can expect to take ten minutes or less to fill it out- sorry if that's too long- but there is a lot of info in there to help answer the question: Do PWCF get adequate...
  2. D

    CF- Intimacy and Reproductive Health

    I appreciate input from anyone who wants to give it ("older" or not). The survey was written with teenagers in mind, but everyone's voice is important. I think no matter how old, or what your experience, your persepctive is valuable. The more information we have about this topic, the better.
  3. D

    CF- Intimacy and Reproductive Health

    Thanks Julie. I appreciate it. I actually don't see it as rude. I am the visitor here, this space belongs to you. I want everyone to feel free to ask for more information and I'll do my best to provide it.
  4. D

    CF- Intimacy and Reproductive Health

    Your ideas are important! I am an adolescent medicine doc interested in what you have to say. If you are interested in completing a research study about teens with CF click on the link below or paste it in your browser. All responses are 100% anonymous. Thank you! <a target=new...
  5. D

    CF- Intimacy and Reproductive Health

    Your ideas are important! I am an adolescent medicine doc interested in what you have to say. If you are interested in completing a research study about teens with CF click on the link below or paste it in your browser. All responses are 100% anonymous. Thank you! <a target=new...
  6. D

    CF- Intimacy and Reproductive Health

    Your ideas are important! I am an adolescent medicine doc interested in what you have to say. If you are interested in completing a research study about teens with CF click on the link below or paste it in your browser. All responses are 100% anonymous. Thank you! <a target=new...