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    pseudomonas meds

    Hi , My kids just got diagnosed in November and have been put on TOBI (nebulizer) for 30 days on and 30 days off. I am not sure yet if it worked - we are in the 30 day off now and have to get cultured again next week. I will keep you posted, Tanja Mom to Nicky (3) and Tessa(14 mo.) both w/cf
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    pseudomonas meds

    Hi , My kids just got diagnosed in November and have been put on TOBI (nebulizer) for 30 days on and 30 days off. I am not sure yet if it worked - we are in the 30 day off now and have to get cultured again next week. I will keep you posted, Tanja Mom to Nicky (3) and Tessa(14 mo.) both w/cf
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    Non-vaccinated Step kids

    Hi Renee, Thank you for sharing your situation, which btw. I commend you for taking on and doing all you are doing. Your situation could not have been easy either blending the two families like you have. I hope eventually I will get there as well. For us it is a little different. When I met my...
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    Non-vaccinated Step kids

    Hi Renee, Thank you for sharing your situation, which btw. I commend you for taking on and doing all you are doing. Your situation could not have been easy either blending the two families like you have. I hope eventually I will get there as well. For us it is a little different. When I met my...
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    Can I ask a favor? Med. question

    Sorry Julie, I guess I am tired, I posted it twice! Tanja <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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    Can I ask a favor? Med. question

    Sorry Julie, I guess I am tired, I posted it twice! Tanja <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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    Can I ask a favor? Med. question

    Hi Julie, My kids thake the following meds. Ultrase Enzymes (Nicky 3-4 w/meals, and 2-3 w/snacks - Tessa 2-3 w/meals and 1-2 w/snacks) ADEK once a day (Nicky 2 ml and Tessa 1 ml) Vitamin K once a week (half a tablet each) Omaprezole (Generic Prilosec) Nicky 5 ml once a day and Tessa 1,5 ml...
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    Can I ask a favor? Med. question

    Hi Julie, My kids thake the following meds. Ultrase Enzymes (Nicky 3-4 w/meals, and 2-3 w/snacks - Tessa 2-3 w/meals and 1-2 w/snacks) ADEK once a day (Nicky 2 ml and Tessa 1 ml) Vitamin K once a week (half a tablet each) Omaprezole (Generic Prilosec) Nicky 5 ml once a day and Tessa 1,5 ml...
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    Saline Solution Research

    Thanks Melissa for this info. So it is actually out there and it is possible to get.Let me know how it works for you when you do try it. I was wondering if it is just for adults, since the research mentioned that it has not been studied for sideeffects in infants or very young children yet...
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    Saline Solution Research

    Thanks Melissa for this info. So it is actually out there and it is possible to get.Let me know how it works for you when you do try it. I was wondering if it is just for adults, since the research mentioned that it has not been studied for sideeffects in infants or very young children yet...
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    They got 17 eggies!

    That is great news for you guys! Good Luck Julie and Mark Tanja (Mom to Nicky3 and Tessa 14 months both w/cf)
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    They got 17 eggies!

    That is great news for you guys! Good Luck Julie and Mark Tanja (Mom to Nicky3 and Tessa 14 months both w/cf)
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    Non-vaccinated Step kids

    Hi Dee, Thanks for your words and the advice about the candles. I will try that next time somebody walks in with anything. I did not know that these oils killed airborne bacteria. Yeah! Everyday I learn something new and useful. I so wish I could have my husband share a bit in the...
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    Non-vaccinated Step kids

    Hi Dee, Thanks for your words and the advice about the candles. I will try that next time somebody walks in with anything. I did not know that these oils killed airborne bacteria. Yeah! Everyday I learn something new and useful. I so wish I could have my husband share a bit in the...
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    Diagnosing my 8 month old...x-posted in young adults

    Hi Jodi, I am sorry that you are having such a difficult time at the very start of her life. I understand and know the feeling when you are in and out of the NICU. Both of my kids have CF. My son was diagnosed right at birth and it was confirmed a few weeks later when the genetic tests came...
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    Diagnosing my 8 month old...x-posted in young adults

    Hi Jodi, I am sorry that you are having such a difficult time at the very start of her life. I understand and know the feeling when you are in and out of the NICU. Both of my kids have CF. My son was diagnosed right at birth and it was confirmed a few weeks later when the genetic tests came...
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    Non-vaccinated Step kids

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>miesl</b></i><br>Refusal to treat a child for strep is very, very serious. Taken from <i>Lack of treatment - or not finishing the prescribed course of antibiotics - also could put your child at risk for other health...
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    Non-vaccinated Step kids

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>miesl</b></i><br>Refusal to treat a child for strep is very, very serious. Taken from <i>Lack of treatment - or not finishing the prescribed course of antibiotics - also could put your child at risk for other health...
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    Non-vaccinated Step kids

    Yikes! so that means my son gave it to my there anything out there that I should be aware off. My doctors said that chickenpocks could be deadly for them. Is that is fact true. Anybody with Cf out there that had chickenpocks. I had them as a child but I grew up in Europe and we...
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    Non-vaccinated Step kids

    Yikes! so that means my son gave it to my there anything out there that I should be aware off. My doctors said that chickenpocks could be deadly for them. Is that is fact true. Anybody with Cf out there that had chickenpocks. I had them as a child but I grew up in Europe and we...