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  1. T

    League of Legends Cystic Fibrosis Charity Stream

    Hey all, I'm currently half way through week two of my CF Charity stream to raise money for the CF Foundation, and I totally derped and forgot to post about it here, lol. The stream is located @ and all the information anyone should need on it is located @...
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    Looking for CF people to talk to in their 20's

    When it comes the normal people I meet on a day to day basis, be it online or in person, they don't seem to handle the fact that I have CF too well it seems. Now, I know my CF isn't the most conveniant thing, with how often im hacking away (espically in this jersey humidity... yeesh, it's bad...
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    Liquid Tar Remover....

    Just thought I'd say this, since it kinda screwed me over on an order a minute ago. I was coughing well writing up an order, anda green blob came out and landed on the page. Well, I wiped it off, and all the ink came with it! XD I wonder what else our lung gunk is capibable of. Maybe fueling...
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    My new situation. Good or bad?

    Well, I woke up today, insuranceless. I called a number of places. My old insurance company, the new one my family just got, SS offices, my local medicare offices, etc etc. All I got was bad news. No one will cover me, or can cover me. The people at the local medicare offices were very...
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    Question about everyone elses disability

    Ok, as I said before, im stuck paying $460 a month to the insurance company to keep insurance because I can't work full time, and I was turned down for SSDI. I'm in a rut because of it (money wise, health wise, mental wise, etc), and really hating it. Now, I know im not the only one here...
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    Anyone else with CF here play an MMORPG?

    So far, I've only met one other, out of the thousands that play mmo's, that has CF. Kinda peaked my curiosity really. I mean, I meet plenty of people on them with mental conditions, and really bad physical conditions, but not many with CF. So, are MMO's and other online games something that...
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    Unstable job, no insurance, trying for disability...

    Ok, where to start. First off, im new to these forums, and this is my first post. I've been reading alot of the topics so far, and everyone here seem to have some helpfull stuff to say. Soooo, I come asking my question now. At the age of 20, I find myself unable to perform a job for more then...