Question about everyone elses disability


New member
Ok, as I said before, im stuck paying $460 a month to the insurance company to keep insurance because I can't work full time, and I was turned down for SSDI.

I'm in a rut because of it (money wise, health wise, mental wise, etc), and really hating it.

Now, I know im not the only one here that's gone through the trouble of getting SSDI, so I'd like to know how you guys went about getting yours?

Did you all have the same headaches as me? The same problems im having?
Have you always had it? did you apply before 18? Could you just not work or see doctors/hospitals for a while well waiting?

The biggest question I have is, has anyone ever been fired well waiting for it, and been without anything. What happened then? (that's what's about to happen to me)


New member

I am a 38 year old female that finally received my ssdi last August after fighting for it for three years. I originally got a regular attorney who just sat on all of the paperwork and did nothing. After being completely stressed out because I was charging everything on my credit cards, I found the courage to call Beth Sufian, an attorney who also has CF herself, based out of Houston Texas. Her number is 18006220385 and her website is I was able to use her services even though I live in California. She knows everything and it's even better because she knows what you are going through with your health. She also has an 800 legal hotline concerning CF, insurance, being fired from a job because of health, that sort of thing and I think it is on the CFF website. I would just go straight to the source with her, she can answer your questions, I am sure.

Hope this helps,


New member
I used to get SSDI medicare through my dad, but it was recently cut off - and I gave up fighting for it as I had to do everything through my local SS office, and they would never take the time to listen to me when I called or came in (when I could even get though on the phone). Going in was a nightmare - long waits only to be dismissed after a couple of sentances. This is the only local office I have ever delt with that is sooo incompetent - even the ss people at the 800 number didn't understand why I was having so many problems.

Anyway, unless I make under $800 a month, they will not even talk to me about SSDI. I do have Medicaid, which is my primary insurance. There is also a state program here (MN) for employed persons with diabilities - which I will go on once (if) I get married and my resources get to high.

Calling Beth is a great idea - I know that is my backup plan should something happen in the future.
Sorry I couldn't offer any great advice.


New member
I applied for SSDI in 2000 & was denied immediately. Most of my health problems at that time were not "documented" since I didnt go to the doctor &/or into the hospital often. I took care of myself at home. I hired a local disability attorney who wanted to treat my case like a "back injury" that would make me TOTALLY helpless & unrealistic. MY CF doctor was not comfortable with supporting his approach on the case. She was not only concerned about another denial, but any long term problems. She referred me to Beth Sufian who took the case over. She worked from her Texas Office & I am in New York. It took about 18 months, but we got it approved & everything was retroactive. My daughter also collects under me. It was a difficult time & couldnt have done it without my husbands paycheck. If I was single I would have been living with my Mom probably. My parents never filed anything for me when I was first dx. My Mom supposedly attempted, but got so upset & disgusted that she walked out of the interview. Dont know what else you want to know!


New member
Thank you jazzy, that helps.

I'm just looking to hear how others delt with getting their SSDI. Just your stories. (not like, documents or anything, lol)

Your experiences will help me to get through mine. Knowing what's coming up, how everyone else handles it (to gauge how I should), etc, etc.

Also, thank you to everyone else in advance that shares their experience with getting their SSDI.