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  1. T

    What can I do for him?

    Thank you all so much. I will definantly use your advice. <3
  2. T

    What can I do for him?

    Thank you for the advice. It was a brief "How are you?" at first, but then we just talked about school and such. I really want to see him again. Thanks again!
  3. T

    What can I do for him?

    Okay, so I have a friend (14 years old) with cystic fibrosis in the hospital right now, and I want to know if there is anything that would make him... I don't know, less lonely? His mom was a drunk and ran away, and his dad isn't exactly very.. supportive. At all. So, I'm sort of like his mom...
  4. T

    What do you think about p[eople that dont do there treatment?

    I do not have cf. But one of my best friends does, and he doesn't do his treatments like he should. He isn't careful AT ALL with his health, and its landed him in the hospital more than once. It makes me nervous, because I care about him so much. He's tryed running away from the hospital, he...