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  1. M

    help for a worried mum

    hi,<br> <br> it is never to early to be diagnosed with CF. actually the earlier the better. a babies growth in the first two years of life is so important especially in a baby with CF. if diagnosed early and put on the correct meds, than the baby has a better chance of remaining healthy longer...
  2. M

    help for a worried mum

    hi,<br> <br> it is never to early to be diagnosed with CF. actually the earlier the better. a babies growth in the first two years of life is so important especially in a baby with CF. if diagnosed early and put on the correct meds, than the baby has a better chance of remaining healthy longer...
  3. M

    help for a worried mum

    hi,<br> <br> it is never to early to be diagnosed with CF. actually the earlier the better. a babies growth in the first two years of life is so important especially in a baby with CF. if diagnosed early and put on the correct meds, than the baby has a better chance of remaining healthy longer...
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    what should i do?

    hi again everyone, i want to thank you all for your responses to my first post. i have a question for everyone. my daughter has developed her first cold today and is coughing a lot. when she sleeps, she has a really bad rattle in her lungs already and it sounds like she is snoring. all her...
  5. M

    Worried Mommy of 3 week old

    hi barbara ,<br> <br> all i can say is prepare for everything.  i know how scary it is . i just want to let u know that u are in my prayers and i hope that all goes well for u and your daughter. and if she does have CF just remember she is beautiful and she is all yours so love her to last drop...
  6. M

    newly diagnosed

    hi heather thank you for responding ( there is an anonymous listed that was me i wasnt logged in) we actually knew the possibility of sarena having cystic fibrosis when i was 4 months pregnant. she had what they call ecogenic bowel ( not sure if thats spelled correctly) there were other...
  7. M

    newly diagnosed

    hi everyone, my name is melany. i am a 19 year old mother of a 4 and a half month old baby girl, Sarena, diagnosed with CF one month after birth. CF had never shown up in either my family nor her fathers family before, so the diagnosis was a big surprise to all of us. because this is my first...