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  1. D


    exercise is good for you when i was younger under 15 i use to play sports all the time my fev1 when was i around 10 was 94 now iam 25 and my exercise routine has slipped dramitaclly i only do swimming around 3 times a week and smoke the occasional joint (around 2 a year when my mates go to...
  2. D


    exercise is good for you when i was younger under 15 i use to play sports all the time my fev1 when was i around 10 was 94 now iam 25 and my exercise routine has slipped dramitaclly i only do swimming around 3 times a week and smoke the occasional joint (around 2 a year when my mates go to...
  3. D


    exercise is good for you when i was younger under 15 i use to play sports all the time my fev1 when was i around 10 was 94 now iam 25 and my exercise routine has slipped dramitaclly i only do swimming around 3 times a week and smoke the occasional joint (around 2 a year when my mates go to...
  4. D


    exercise is good for you when i was younger under 15 i use to play sports all the time my fev1 when was i around 10 was 94 now iam 25 and my exercise routine has slipped dramitaclly i only do swimming around 3 times a week and smoke the occasional joint (around 2 a year when my mates go to...
  5. D


    exercise is good for you when i was younger under 15 i use to play sports all the time my fev1 when was i around 10 was 94 now iam 25 and my exercise routine has slipped dramitaclly i only do swimming around 3 times a week and smoke the occasional joint (around 2 a year when my mates go to...
  6. D


    exercise is good for you when i was younger under 15 i use to play sports all the time my fev1 when was i around 10 was 94 now iam 25 and my exercise routine has slipped dramitaclly i only do swimming around 3 times a week and smoke the occasional joint (around 2 a year when my mates go to...
  7. D

    has hypertonic saline worked for you

    i have been using this stuff for about 2 weeks and do notice benefits ie i do produce more mucus after doing my physio but is it really effective at improving your fev1 in long term use i know it does on the whole in short term but what i have read on the internet is middle to long term use...
  8. D

    has hypertonic saline worked for you

    i have been using this stuff for about 2 weeks and do notice benefits ie i do produce more mucus after doing my physio but is it really effective at improving your fev1 in long term use i know it does on the whole in short term but what i have read on the internet is middle to long term use...
  9. D

    has hypertonic saline worked for you

    i have been using this stuff for about 2 weeks and do notice benefits ie i do produce more mucus after doing my physio but is it really effective at improving your fev1 in long term use i know it does on the whole in short term but what i have read on the internet is middle to long term use...
  10. D

    how do you deal with worsening health

    i admire your attitude
  11. D

    how do you deal with worsening health

    i admire your attitude
  12. D

    how do you deal with worsening health

    i admire your attitude
  13. D

    whats your fev1 ?

    hi iam 23 m my fev1 is 68% what about other peoples lung function
  14. D

    whats your fev1 ?

    hi iam 23 m my fev1 is 68% what about other peoples lung function
  15. D

    whats your fev1 ?

    hi iam 23 m my fev1 is 68% what about other peoples lung function
  16. D

    My Appointment Thursday :)

    princess jdc what have you been doing to get your fev 1 so high from just 65% apart from that steri solution ps them results are short of amazing i didnt think it possible till i saw your chart
  17. D

    My Appointment Thursday :)

    princess jdc what have you been doing to get your fev 1 so high from just 65% apart from that steri solution ps them results are short of amazing i didnt think it possible till i saw your chart
  18. D

    My Appointment Thursday :)

    princess jdc what have you been doing to get your fev 1 so high from just 65% apart from that steri solution ps them results are short of amazing i didnt think it possible till i saw your chart
  19. D

    colds and extra mucus in the lungs

    swimming pool
  20. D

    colds and extra mucus in the lungs

    swimming pool