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    Beware of Zosyn

    im in shock this is such a highly discussed anitbody, i just was released from the hospital and was put on zyson for as trail thursday night and i almost went into alaphaltic shock. my chest got really tight, thoat felt like it was closing, a firey tingling in my eyes and throat, felt like i was...
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    Bodybuilding with CF

    good information. i hit the weights on and off and i noticed a difference.
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    i am on the 3 day a week zithromax cycle and i cant honestly say if i notice a difference or not. i would say yes but i have only been on it a few months.
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    looking for a cf penpal

    My AIM is optika1illushun, hit me up anytime...
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    how tall are you?how much do you weigh?

    Hi im Rob, 19 and im 5'11" 180 odd pounds. i have a very strict diet, i eat whatever i want and have no problems gaining or holding my weight.