

New member
How many of you are on the 3 day a week zithromax treatment? Have your pft's improved? I have been on it about 8 months and have noticed an improvement in pfts, energy, coughing and I have not had an IV since I started on the zithromax. My pfts have gone from high 50's to low 70's. I have been curious as to how its has affected other and long term effects.


New member
I've been on the Mon, Wed, Fri Zithromax since December 02. At the beginning it made a huge difference. I imagine it still keeps me a little better than I'd be without it, but as time has gone on, I've gotten worse, so I don't notice as much anymore if it is indeed helping.


New member
My pft's have been good ever sense i have been on zithromax 3 times a week 250mg and i take it on monday wednesday and friday. I have not been hospitalized for a lung infection sense i have been on zithromax. I have more energy and i can breath better sense i have been on it. It helps alot. My lungs have felt much better sense i have been on it to. And i don't caugh as much either. Zithromax is very good For people to be on with cystic fibrosis.Im so happy it is helping my lungs feel better and keeping my pft's good and keeping me out of the hospital<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


New member
I was put on Zithromax a while back but i must admit i'm pretty bad at taking all my meds all of the time! after just reading your posts i am definitely going to make sure I start taking it regularly as it definitely sounds like it really helps. thanks for posting it i am going to make much more of an effort as i've been having a lot of iv's lately!!

siobhan 20 wcf


New member
This isn't a side effect of Zithromax alone, but it's one of antibiotics. If you're on them on a regular basis, (as you are if you're on a three X a week Zithro dose), you are extremely prone to yeast infections. In order to keep them at bay I have to take two over the counter pills every day to ward off yeast infections from taking the Zithromax just three times a week. But that's the only thing that's a real pain in the ass that I can think of.


New member
What are the pills called that you take to ward off yeast infections. I'm very prone to them and I was recently put on zithromax.

Ashley 20 w/cf


New member
Acidophilus and AZO yeast (they have regular and cranberry, and I take the cranberry). I take one of each a day and it's done a pretty good job of keeping yeast infections off. The only time they fail anymore is when I go on IV meds, because those are so much stronger. But I live on them both, and they're positively lovely. You can find them at any pharmacy as far as I know. I get them at Rite Aid.


New member
I am not prone to yeast infections but my dr tells me to eat a yogurt a day with active cultures. Which I cant stomach that stuff so I started buying the yogurt smoothie. Which I guzzle real quick. Anyway she says this helps as well. But like I said I really don't get them so I don't know if it really works or I'm punishing myself needlessly. Hee Hee. Eva


New member
Yes yes, yogurt is also a good way to go, if you can tolerrate eating it. It has the same sort of active stuff that's in the pills. One bottle that I currently hold in my hand says " these capsules contains millions of organisms that help provide and maintain intestinal flora." It's basically the same idea. I just personally usually can't force myself to eat yogurt, so the pills are easier. But they all do the same sort of thing. If you can do the pills, AND the yogurt, you'll only be doing yourself a favor. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
i am on the 3 day a week zithromax cycle and i cant honestly say if i notice a difference or not. i would say yes but i have only been on it a few months.