Search results

  1. C

    Orkambi and M Abscessus

    Was anybody out there on the trial who had m. abscessus? Did it help move it out? Ideas?
  2. C

    124del23bp aka c.-9_14del23 anybody out there?

    Does anybody have this rare mutation?
  3. C

    Still looking for others with 124del23bp

    Anybody else out there? Seems to be an Azorian mutation from my husband's side...also goes by the nomenclature c.-9_14del23
  4. C

    Persistent MRSA

    Allrighty CF experts, a question for you: DS has CF. He cultured MRSA when he was 6. He is now 15. It was not bothersome for the first 6 years. It seems to have upped its game over the past 3 years or so. He was inpatiented last year to knock it back (iv vanco & meropenum). He was inpatiented...
  5. C

    E-Flow (sp) with Hypertonic Saline

    Had lovely son's quarterly appt. yesterday at MGH. Went in with a couple of questions for good doc. One of which was can my son use an eFlow to do saline and could he write us a scrip for it...was told it is physically possible to use it for saline but that Foundation Care won't let you buy...