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  1. T

    Oximeter Recommendations?

    I would like to buy a pulse-oximeter for my daughter. She's had at least one scary incident where we needed to know her O2 sats and, being at home, weren't able to get that info without a trip to the ER (it was late at night). I'd rather avoid the ER if possible if that ever happens again. I...
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    Oximeter Recommendations?

    I would like to buy a pulse-oximeter for my daughter. She's had at least one scary incident where we needed to know her O2 sats and, being at home, weren't able to get that info without a trip to the ER (it was late at night). I'd rather avoid the ER if possible if that ever happens again. I...
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    Oximeter Recommendations?

    I would like to buy a pulse-oximeter for my daughter. She's had at least one scary incident where we needed to know her O2 sats and, being at home, weren't able to get that info without a trip to the ER (it was late at night). I'd rather avoid the ER if possible if that ever happens again. I...
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    CF Toddler Story

    I'm posting this after reading some of the responses to the thread, "A new book, any thoughts" by Mommafirst. My daughter, Cassidy, 2 1/2, has CF. We bought the Mallory's 65 Roses book a while ago but she isn't interested in it very much. I think she'll like it when she's older but right now...
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    CF Toddler Story

    I'm posting this after reading some of the responses to the thread, "A new book, any thoughts" by Mommafirst. My daughter, Cassidy, 2 1/2, has CF. We bought the Mallory's 65 Roses book a while ago but she isn't interested in it very much. I think she'll like it when she's older but right now...
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    CF Toddler Story

    I'm posting this after reading some of the responses to the thread, "A new book, any thoughts" by Mommafirst. My daughter, Cassidy, 2 1/2, has CF. We bought the Mallory's 65 Roses book a while ago but she isn't interested in it very much. I think she'll like it when she's older but right now...
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    Having a tough time with CPT

    My daughter, 11 months, also doesn't cough after her CPT. She does cough durring her breathing treatments, though that could be because she's getting over a cold <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Before we discovered the wonder of Baby Einstein videos I had to hold...
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    Please help

    My daughter Cassidy was diagnosed with CF a month ago. Before that we thought we had baby troubles because we thought Cassidy was allergic to dairy and soy. Everthing about our diets had to change (she's breastfed still so whatever I eat she reacts to). Ever since she was a month old we've been...
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    Trouble Eating - Please help.

    Thanks! Her pulmonoligist switched her to Prevacid Solutabs last night. We'll wait a week and see how that goes. If that doesn't work (fingers crossed, PLEASE WORK!) then I'll try eliminating dairy and soy from her diet again. Only problem with that is everything I've been using to ammend her...
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    Trouble Eating - Please help.

    The last month has been pure hell. It's a fight every single day to get my daughter, Cassidy, to eat. She's eleven months old and she gets 4-5 bottles a day, plus stage 2 baby food. She doesn't want to eat anything. Not the baby food, not her bottles. She'll eat cheerios without a fit but that's...
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    Vitamin Drops

    Thanks for all the responses. It was ADEKs drops we were giving her before and we had to stop giving them because she was throwing up. Just today her doctor's office got us a sample of cherry flavored Vitamax drops. Hopefully she'll tolerate those a bit better!
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    Vitamin Drops

    We enrolled my daughter in the Solvay Wee Care program so she could get her enzymes free. They also provide vitamin drops as well, which her doc said is good because she needs those. The thing is, those vitamin drops are just about the nastiest stuff on the planet. They're a purtid yellow color...
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    The daycare debate

    Thanks for all the different responses and stories. Reading all of your perspectives has definitely helped. We had a second doctor visit and after her doctor gently reminded us how devestating it would be for Cassidy to get something like RSV we decided we will be taking her out of daycare. I'm...
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    Having more children?

    I have to disagree with winace on this one. Every pregnancy is a risk. Every one. As someone else said earlier, having a child without CF does not mean that that child will automatically be healthy. And just because a child has CF it doesn't mean their life is no longer worth living. My daughter...
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    Adding calories in babies

    I'm trying to adjust my daughter's diet to get in the extra calories she needs. She's only 10 months old and still eating stage 2 baby food and some finger foods - like crackers and such. How do other parents manage to sneak in those extra calories on a daily basis? Do you just give your kids a...
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    CF Clinic Vs Single Doctor

    I'd like to get some of your perspectives on which you prefer - care at a CF clinic or from an individual pulmonoligist. There's a CF Clinin here in Dallas but the soonest they can see my daughter is 4/14 and they only see patients on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you have a genuine need to see the...
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    Newly diagnosed

    Can you tell me please what a sputum culture is and how it differs from a bronchoscopy? I am watching Cassie's meds very carefully. Her pulmonolgist tried to put her on Floradil and I haven't been giving it to her because it's not approved in kids under five. ~Tapestry~
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    Newly diagnosed

    I'm relieved to know that she may not have milk and soy allergies. The pulmonologist ordered an allergy blood panel on her to test her dairy and soy allergies so I guess we'll find out then. What symptoms of the allergy did your husband have Julie? What symptoms did anonymous's son have? My...
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    The daycare debate

    My daughter was just diagnosed with CF and her pulmonoligist said we should take her out of daycare. I'd really like to know how many of you have your children at home and how many are in daycare. For those in daycare - do you think your children are sick more often as a result? For those at...
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    Enzymes - How Often

    I know that my daughter needs enzymes with every meal. However, I'm not sure how long is an acceptable time between "meals." As an example her typical bottle is 6oz. She may drink the first 3oz in ten minutes and I give her her enzymes then. But she'll finish the other 3oz twenty minutes after...