¿¿CF n insulin??


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i am 17 living wth CF..my doc's have wanted me to start insulin to help improve my weight loss n to improve my lung functions...but everytime i refuse to have it..i've tried it once but i dun think i can get use to it..but since im gettin worse each time i go back 4 my clean outs they want me to go on it next time i go back which i think will be soon maybe on da 6th of april because i have been goin back for my clean outs every 2mths now. I dunO what to think about the insulin because what they say sounds good about me improvin but what if it doesnt work? ..i dunO i just duno what to think about this whole situation so if n e bosy who has been through this can give me some insight pls help thankies<b>Text</b> my email<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="mailto:latinabebe2005@aol.com">Text</a>


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One very important question,,,,,,,,, do you have diabetes? If you do have diabetes, then insulin would help you out a lot. I would imagine your doctor wouldnt recommend insulin if he (or she) didnt think it was in your best interest. I have been diabetic 24 years now and taking insulin immediately brought up my weight because it allowed my body to utilize food the way it should be used in the body. Ive been on insulin pretty much the whole 24 years, and it isnt as bas as you think when you are faced with starting to use it. Once you get the right amount adjusted it will make you feel worlds better. feel free to email with any questions if you want. Jinxnick@aol.com~ Diane 39 / cf / diabetes / b.cepacia


New member
no i dont have diabetes my doctor made me take a glucose test and that is how he came about insulin. i have been losin a lot weight latley and not been able to keep it up that is the main reason why i think he wants me on it and to improve my lung functions because i just keep gettin worse. every 2 mths i have to b admitted...which really sux big tymes. i try my best to take care of myself but it just isnt working as well as before. the doctors thinkin about translpant i have gone through all the test but they have not yet decided to put me on the list.


New member
I would imagine if you did a glucose test then you must have high blood sugar for you doctor to be recommending insulin. Insulin helps to regulate high blood sugar. When you have uncontrolled diabetes (or high blood sugar) , you would lose weight, you would also be tired a lot, hungry a lot and thirsty a whole lot. I remember before i was diagnosed with diabetes i lost a good amount of weight despite how much i ate, i was always hungry and terribly thirsty. (I had to pee a lot also). I often felt dizzy, and i was always tired. Once i got diagnosed i was put on insulin and gained my weight back and started to feel back to normal. It didnt happen overnight, but gradually i started to feel back to normal. I would ask your doctor how high your blood sugar was whe he got the results of your glucose test back. A normal blood sugar would be roughly between 80-120. Ask him what yours was. I am curious at this point myself to hear what it was. If it was high, you should go on insulin asap. you will be glad you did, because you would start feeling much better. Good luck and let me know what your blood sugar was.... Ill hlp you any way i can, so dont hesitate to ask. ~ Diane 39 / cf / diabetes / b.cepacia


New member
i will try to ask him my next appt. with him is on da 6th. ..n i might try da insulin...if there r no other options. i hope there r because i am kind of scarred about testing myself each night n givin myself shots. im just not sure what to think but im gettin good emails from ppl n urself that r helping me choose to use it or not to thank u very much i appreciate it...lots!


New member
The shots aren't like getting a flu shot each time. The needles are super thin and short, and if you hit the right place you don't feel it at all. You can also get glucometers (the thing you check blood sugar with) that can take blood from your arm. It's nice to give you fingers a break and it doesn't hurt on your arm.Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. Debbie


New member
yea i knO i have the new blood tester..its very small n it doesnt hurt on da arm...my doctor gave it to me because he really wants me to b on it. i just dont like having to do that every night n then having to give myself insulin...i wish there were something ele..so ima check with him that first...i want other options not just go str8 to da insulin u knO?..thankies 4 replyin 2 my messages


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The only other option you may have, would be oral medication, but it doesnt always work so well. Your best option would be insulin, if you need it. You will be glad you did ,when you start feeling better. You mentioned you have a glucose meter....What numbers are you getting? ~ Diane


New member
i dont use my meter because im not taking da insulin yet. i wouldnt really knO how to tell if it were high n e way cuz im not sure what numbers would b high or low 4 me.


New member
Hello..... 80 - 120 is normal range. Maybe you should check to see on your own ( since you already have the monitor ), what your blood sugar is. check 1 hour before you eat, then 2 hours after you eat. That will give you a good idea of if your pancreas is secreting enough insulin when you eat. If you do try this, please let me know what the numbers are.


New member
well today i went to da doctors n he told me that im not a canidate for da lung transplant..so now my question is what do i do?.......about da insulin..my numbers r..98..thats normal right?


New member
im sry i didnt check it da one way u told me to i will do that tomorrow because it is kind of late to do it that way.so i will give da right numbers tomorrow but that was my number 2hrs after i ate


New member
Hi 98 is normal, but it would all depend on when you last ate before the test. When i was first being tested for diabetes, the test kept coming back perfectly normal, but then again i hadnt eaten for hours before they drew blood. Well, one day they had gotten me at the right time, about an hour and a half after i had eaten and my blood sugar was over 1000. No wonder i felt so darned crappy for so long. Its funny how cf related diabetes can be, somedays i dont need any insulin at all, maybe about 2 days out of the month. Then there will be times where for about a week or so, my blood sugars are higher than normal and i have to take extra insulin. When you do the testing the way i mentioned before , that will give you a better indication of how your pancreas is handling things , in the insulin dept. Good luck<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ~Diane / 39 / cf / diabetes / b.cepacia


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>well today i went to da doctors n he told me that im not a canidate for da lung transplant..so now my question is what do i do?.......about da insulin..my numbers r..98..thats normal right?<hr></blockquote> what will i do?yea i will try to do that way as soon as i can because i forget to do it alot but i will try to do it tomorrow today i was just so0o busy


New member
i just read thru the last few posts again and realized i missed where you had said that ,98 is what your blood sugar was after you had eaten. Now i wonder if it is consistantly like that.. because if it is, then you would certainly not need any insulin.Was the 98 you got the other day, a first for your blood sugar being in that range? If you dont have high blood sugar there would be no reason to be on insulin. In fact if you were on insulin when it is not needed, that would make things worse for you. Insulin is not used to help you gain weight ,unless you have high blood sugars. I am starting to get confused as to why your doctor would want you on insulin if you do not have high blood sugar. Something isnt right here. Do you experience any symptoms of diabetes ? rapid weight loss, extreme thirst, constantly feeling like you have to pee, dizziness, hunger no matter how much you ate, extreme tiredness? By the way, what is your age and fev1? I had been meaning to ask you that but kept forgetting, take care<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ~ Diane


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I too have high blood sugar, (diabetic). Quite frankly I've haven't needed to go into the hospital for IV treatments for two years now, which is when I started using insulin. If you have high blood sugars it does affect your lung function, and weight. And you get used to the shots, which are nothing compared to the IV treatments and being incapacitated. BethanyCF/23/cfrd (CF related Diabetes)


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Hi, I have had diabetes now for 6 years. I was diagnosed when I was 18. My doctor told me the same thing about how it would help me to gain weight. 6 years now and I am still having problems with my weight. 2 months ago they switched my insulin to the humalog fast acting pen. I was doing ok for awhile then my sugars would bottom out so I had to cut back on the about of units. I think it is a pain to have to check my sugar everytime I eat and take insulin every time I put food into my mouth. I try my hardest to keep up with it. Just last week my sugars went up to 300-415. They were like that until today. My doctor just up'd my insulin. Does any one else have any problems with their insulin and how could I get a monitor so I could check my sugars from my arm? My finger have basically had it. Sandy


New member
you can get the monitors for free just ask your doc for the free style thats the one i have. they give out the monitors because they make all there money on the lancets and test strips. but if you have insurance they should be free


New member
im sry i havent been on lately well. i dont think im gonna go on the insulin for a while. i am 17yrs old n my fev1 i dont knO i forget but my fev i think is 1.89 i dunO ill check that bak wit u later. i have an upcoming appt. i did get hospitalized on da 6th of april but got out on da 9th because i asked them if i could do da PFTs again because i was feelin so much better n they said yes thank god because if not then they were gonna put a pickline in me for no reason. my PFTs came out better than what they were so they let me come home. i have been busy workin at a new job on a cruise/restaurant i get out late but im trying to keep up wit everyone else. but i have faith in god.