1 yr of ttc


Active member
In October it will be 1 yr that we've been ttc. (we took a few months off in late winter to avoid those worst winter months)
I can hardly hold back the tears as I'm writing this.
I know 1 yr is nothing compared to what other couples go through.
I just didn't expect it. With my 3 yr old we got pregnant on the 2nd month of trying.
Every period each month is horrible. I feel like a failure. (I know thats wrong, but I can't help it.)
I don't know where to go from here.
I went to the gyn a few weeks ago for a check up and told them whats going on. They suggested an ultrasound on the 5th day of my next cycle, which will be in a few days.
So I guess I'll do that. I don't really know what they're looking for, but is it a start?..


Active member
In October it will be 1 yr that we've been ttc. (we took a few months off in late winter to avoid those worst winter months)
I can hardly hold back the tears as I'm writing this.
I know 1 yr is nothing compared to what other couples go through.
I just didn't expect it. With my 3 yr old we got pregnant on the 2nd month of trying.
Every period each month is horrible. I feel like a failure. (I know thats wrong, but I can't help it.)
I don't know where to go from here.
I went to the gyn a few weeks ago for a check up and told them whats going on. They suggested an ultrasound on the 5th day of my next cycle, which will be in a few days.
So I guess I'll do that. I don't really know what they're looking for, but is it a start?..


Active member
In October it will be 1 yr that we've been ttc. (we took a few months off in late winter to avoid those worst winter months)
<br />I can hardly hold back the tears as I'm writing this.
<br />I know 1 yr is nothing compared to what other couples go through.
<br />I just didn't expect it. With my 3 yr old we got pregnant on the 2nd month of trying.
<br />Every period each month is horrible. I feel like a failure. (I know thats wrong, but I can't help it.)
<br />I don't know where to go from here.
<br />I went to the gyn a few weeks ago for a check up and told them whats going on. They suggested an ultrasound on the 5th day of my next cycle, which will be in a few days.
<br />So I guess I'll do that. I don't really know what they're looking for, but is it a start?..


New member
C, Your so young to not be able to get pregnant. I have to believe your body is still recooperating from pregnancy and the two unrelated procedures you had since her birth. Additionally the shock to our immune system of having a little petri dish attached to your hip the last 3 years. If you are okay with having 3 I would move ahead with adoption. I know you are open to adoption or I wouldn't suggest this. All the while you can still work on getting pregnant. If you are really wanting bio now then moving ahead with IUI plans is fine too. I just don't want you to have regrets. What is your faith telling you? Would you be willing to talk to someone who has cf and had a similar experience? She is LDS (which I know is not the same as JW) but I feel you two would be a good match. Do you remember lovingbenandcambree? Are you on facebook? I'll send you her blog.


New member
C, Your so young to not be able to get pregnant. I have to believe your body is still recooperating from pregnancy and the two unrelated procedures you had since her birth. Additionally the shock to our immune system of having a little petri dish attached to your hip the last 3 years. If you are okay with having 3 I would move ahead with adoption. I know you are open to adoption or I wouldn't suggest this. All the while you can still work on getting pregnant. If you are really wanting bio now then moving ahead with IUI plans is fine too. I just don't want you to have regrets. What is your faith telling you? Would you be willing to talk to someone who has cf and had a similar experience? She is LDS (which I know is not the same as JW) but I feel you two would be a good match. Do you remember lovingbenandcambree? Are you on facebook? I'll send you her blog.


New member
C, Your so young to not be able to get pregnant. I have to believe your body is still recooperating from pregnancy and the two unrelated procedures you had since her birth. Additionally the shock to our immune system of having a little petri dish attached to your hip the last 3 years. If you are okay with having 3 I would move ahead with adoption. I know you are open to adoption or I wouldn't suggest this. All the while you can still work on getting pregnant. If you are really wanting bio now then moving ahead with IUI plans is fine too. I just don't want you to have regrets. What is your faith telling you? Would you be willing to talk to someone who has cf and had a similar experience? She is LDS (which I know is not the same as JW) but I feel you two would be a good match. Do you remember lovingbenandcambree? Are you on facebook? I'll send you her blog.


Active member
Thanks Lauren,
In my heart I am ready to look into adoption. But my husband isn't as ready as I am. He needs more time and feels its not fair for me to rush him. I totally understand that, but I don't have all the time in the world here-as we cysters know.
I'm going to have the ultrasound work up and go from there. My heart is saying do not do any extensive fertility treatment.
I just feel that wouldn't have a good impact on my health, and couldn't go into that (again, this is just for me) when I am happy to expand my family by another way.
I remember and often think of lovingbenandcambree...just the other day I was wondering what became of her. I'd love to 'talk' with her. Please send me her blog!-And I'll try to make contact w her if she doesn't mind.


Active member
Thanks Lauren,
In my heart I am ready to look into adoption. But my husband isn't as ready as I am. He needs more time and feels its not fair for me to rush him. I totally understand that, but I don't have all the time in the world here-as we cysters know.
I'm going to have the ultrasound work up and go from there. My heart is saying do not do any extensive fertility treatment.
I just feel that wouldn't have a good impact on my health, and couldn't go into that (again, this is just for me) when I am happy to expand my family by another way.
I remember and often think of lovingbenandcambree...just the other day I was wondering what became of her. I'd love to 'talk' with her. Please send me her blog!-And I'll try to make contact w her if she doesn't mind.


Active member
Thanks Lauren,
<br />In my heart I am ready to look into adoption. But my husband isn't as ready as I am. He needs more time and feels its not fair for me to rush him. I totally understand that, but I don't have all the time in the world here-as we cysters know.
<br />I'm going to have the ultrasound work up and go from there. My heart is saying do not do any extensive fertility treatment.
<br />I just feel that wouldn't have a good impact on my health, and couldn't go into that (again, this is just for me) when I am happy to expand my family by another way.
<br />I remember and often think of lovingbenandcambree...just the other day I was wondering what became of her. I'd love to 'talk' with her. Please send me her blog!-And I'll try to make contact w her if she doesn't mind.


New member
As it turns out her blog is private now. I had viewed it prior to it being private. And I am friends with her on facebook. I am currently trying to seek permission to reenter her blog. She's a neat girl...love her spunk, creativity (have you seen her bday cakes?!!!) and now her sister in law has offered to carry her baby! Despite this not being something LDS endorses she has the churches blessing given her scenerio. Her pregnancy nearly killed her which I know is not your scenerio. For a long time she was getting a calling to have another child but they didn't know how it would work out until her sister-in-law offered on her own. It was an amazing story to read. If I gain access I'll send you it. I can send her a message through facebook to contact you here at cf.com when she gets a chance. Sound good?


New member
As it turns out her blog is private now. I had viewed it prior to it being private. And I am friends with her on facebook. I am currently trying to seek permission to reenter her blog. She's a neat girl...love her spunk, creativity (have you seen her bday cakes?!!!) and now her sister in law has offered to carry her baby! Despite this not being something LDS endorses she has the churches blessing given her scenerio. Her pregnancy nearly killed her which I know is not your scenerio. For a long time she was getting a calling to have another child but they didn't know how it would work out until her sister-in-law offered on her own. It was an amazing story to read. If I gain access I'll send you it. I can send her a message through facebook to contact you here at cf.com when she gets a chance. Sound good?


New member
As it turns out her blog is private now. I had viewed it prior to it being private. And I am friends with her on facebook. I am currently trying to seek permission to reenter her blog. She's a neat girl...love her spunk, creativity (have you seen her bday cakes?!!!) and now her sister in law has offered to carry her baby! Despite this not being something LDS endorses she has the churches blessing given her scenerio. Her pregnancy nearly killed her which I know is not your scenerio. For a long time she was getting a calling to have another child but they didn't know how it would work out until her sister-in-law offered on her own. It was an amazing story to read. If I gain access I'll send you it. I can send her a message through facebook to contact you here at cf.com when she gets a chance. Sound good?


Active member
thanks <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I'd love that.
We've thought of surrogacy, but it isn't for us. I guess after really considering all options along with your faith, and your own marriage, background, etc..you just know what is and isn't for you.
I always love hearing other moms journeys.
I know the story of her first pregnancy and how hard it was. I've always thought of her. Glad to hear she is doing well and awaiting another one!


Active member
thanks <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I'd love that.
We've thought of surrogacy, but it isn't for us. I guess after really considering all options along with your faith, and your own marriage, background, etc..you just know what is and isn't for you.
I always love hearing other moms journeys.
I know the story of her first pregnancy and how hard it was. I've always thought of her. Glad to hear she is doing well and awaiting another one!


Active member
thanks <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I'd love that.
<br />We've thought of surrogacy, but it isn't for us. I guess after really considering all options along with your faith, and your own marriage, background, etc..you just know what is and isn't for you.
<br />I always love hearing other moms journeys.
<br />I know the story of her first pregnancy and how hard it was. I've always thought of her. Glad to hear she is doing well and awaiting another one!


New member
I'll see what I can do. I had a feeling that surregacy wasn't for you but I still feel there is some reason you two need connected.


New member
I'll see what I can do. I had a feeling that surregacy wasn't for you but I still feel there is some reason you two need connected.


New member
I'll see what I can do. I had a feeling that surregacy wasn't for you but I still feel there is some reason you two need connected.


New member
Hi Christian,

Although I have not gone through the heartache you have in the past year with being unable to conceive, I know it must be very difficult. I (fortunately) only had to go through one month of a failed attempt at getting pregnant (since I got pregnant on IUI #2), but I remember how horrible it felt. I also felt like a failure and wondered if I would ever even be able to get pregnant. It's a horrible feeling. And it's especially difficult when you can't decide on your options as a couple. I really wanted to go through adoption for a 3rd child, but my wife just isn't ready for that and doesn't want to do it. So we've decided to just keep our family with 2 kids. I am happy with that decision. Hopefully you and your husband will be able to find something that works for you and that you get the 2nd child you so badly want.


New member
Hi Christian,

Although I have not gone through the heartache you have in the past year with being unable to conceive, I know it must be very difficult. I (fortunately) only had to go through one month of a failed attempt at getting pregnant (since I got pregnant on IUI #2), but I remember how horrible it felt. I also felt like a failure and wondered if I would ever even be able to get pregnant. It's a horrible feeling. And it's especially difficult when you can't decide on your options as a couple. I really wanted to go through adoption for a 3rd child, but my wife just isn't ready for that and doesn't want to do it. So we've decided to just keep our family with 2 kids. I am happy with that decision. Hopefully you and your husband will be able to find something that works for you and that you get the 2nd child you so badly want.