1 yr of ttc


New member
Hi Christian,
<br />
<br />Although I have not gone through the heartache you have in the past year with being unable to conceive, I know it must be very difficult. I (fortunately) only had to go through one month of a failed attempt at getting pregnant (since I got pregnant on IUI #2), but I remember how horrible it felt. I also felt like a failure and wondered if I would ever even be able to get pregnant. It's a horrible feeling. And it's especially difficult when you can't decide on your options as a couple. I really wanted to go through adoption for a 3rd child, but my wife just isn't ready for that and doesn't want to do it. So we've decided to just keep our family with 2 kids. I am happy with that decision. Hopefully you and your husband will be able to find something that works for you and that you get the 2nd child you so badly want.


Active member
1 yr of ttc-Updated.

I had my ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound monday. Turns out that all results are normal. So its nothing 'mechanical'. We will be calling a Fertility center just to talk and get more info.
I'm scratching my head a bit. It could be hormonal...who knows?

I've had a lot of stress in my life also the past few months(serious family situations, friendship situations-and the biggie:my lack of ability to say NO!)
My ability to handle stress is lower than it used to be. I've always battled with anxiety, but this is more a feeling of constant stress.


Active member
1 yr of ttc-Updated.

I had my ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound monday. Turns out that all results are normal. So its nothing 'mechanical'. We will be calling a Fertility center just to talk and get more info.
I'm scratching my head a bit. It could be hormonal...who knows?

I've had a lot of stress in my life also the past few months(serious family situations, friendship situations-and the biggie:my lack of ability to say NO!)
My ability to handle stress is lower than it used to be. I've always battled with anxiety, but this is more a feeling of constant stress.


Active member
1 yr of ttc-Updated.

I had my ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound monday. Turns out that all results are normal. So its nothing 'mechanical'. We will be calling a Fertility center just to talk and get more info.
<br />I'm scratching my head a bit. It could be hormonal...who knows?
<br />
<br />I've had a lot of stress in my life also the past few months(serious family situations, friendship situations-and the biggie:my lack of ability to say NO!)
<br />My ability to handle stress is lower than it used to be. I've always battled with anxiety, but this is more a feeling of constant stress.


New member
1 yr of ttc-Updated.

Christian-I am 'there' with you. I did all the doubting wondering if I should, is this my body trying to tell me something, is this God trying to tell me something? My hubby was also on the fence about adopting etc.

This last time around I started praying for God to show us the way and what we were meant to do. I prayed that we would expand our family and we didnt know what doors that woudl take but to show us. Much to my surprise hubby asked me to look into fostering even before we did our last attempt at TTC.

For us, we have not put away the dreams of becoming biological parents again as much as we have felt led to pursue another course for now. We are pursuing becoming foster parents with the feeling that we will try it over the winter and see where it leads. Whatever we are led to do I am ok with.

For my husband alot of things fell into place wehre a couple movies we watched dealt with adoption then a couple couples we knew adopted, one fostered. It just kind of fell in place but talking to other couples really helps. They even have classes wehre you can just go to learn about adoption and common fears etc with no pressure ot follow through on anything.

I am by no means pushing you that way just sayiing I can relate and there are resrouces out there to explore if you are feeling led. Keeping in mind I felt led to foster years before DH ever came around <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> but its not about my timing...now is it?

HUGS it is rough


New member
1 yr of ttc-Updated.

Christian-I am 'there' with you. I did all the doubting wondering if I should, is this my body trying to tell me something, is this God trying to tell me something? My hubby was also on the fence about adopting etc.

This last time around I started praying for God to show us the way and what we were meant to do. I prayed that we would expand our family and we didnt know what doors that woudl take but to show us. Much to my surprise hubby asked me to look into fostering even before we did our last attempt at TTC.

For us, we have not put away the dreams of becoming biological parents again as much as we have felt led to pursue another course for now. We are pursuing becoming foster parents with the feeling that we will try it over the winter and see where it leads. Whatever we are led to do I am ok with.

For my husband alot of things fell into place wehre a couple movies we watched dealt with adoption then a couple couples we knew adopted, one fostered. It just kind of fell in place but talking to other couples really helps. They even have classes wehre you can just go to learn about adoption and common fears etc with no pressure ot follow through on anything.

I am by no means pushing you that way just sayiing I can relate and there are resrouces out there to explore if you are feeling led. Keeping in mind I felt led to foster years before DH ever came around <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> but its not about my timing...now is it?

HUGS it is rough


New member
1 yr of ttc-Updated.

Christian-I am 'there' with you. I did all the doubting wondering if I should, is this my body trying to tell me something, is this God trying to tell me something? My hubby was also on the fence about adopting etc.
<br />
<br />This last time around I started praying for God to show us the way and what we were meant to do. I prayed that we would expand our family and we didnt know what doors that woudl take but to show us. Much to my surprise hubby asked me to look into fostering even before we did our last attempt at TTC.
<br />
<br />For us, we have not put away the dreams of becoming biological parents again as much as we have felt led to pursue another course for now. We are pursuing becoming foster parents with the feeling that we will try it over the winter and see where it leads. Whatever we are led to do I am ok with.
<br />
<br />For my husband alot of things fell into place wehre a couple movies we watched dealt with adoption then a couple couples we knew adopted, one fostered. It just kind of fell in place but talking to other couples really helps. They even have classes wehre you can just go to learn about adoption and common fears etc with no pressure ot follow through on anything.
<br />
<br />I am by no means pushing you that way just sayiing I can relate and there are resrouces out there to explore if you are feeling led. Keeping in mind I felt led to foster years before DH ever came around <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> but its not about my timing...now is it?
<br />
<br />HUGS it is rough


New member
1 yr of ttc-Updated.

I just wanted to tell you how I understand. I am so sorry you're having a difficult time but you are not alone. I haven't been on the forums here for a while now...I got pregnant right away last year then miscarried 6 weeks later. It has been devastating to us.

It's been 16 months since the last pregnancy and I'm so ready for the next step. Granted since the miscarriage, we haven't tried each month due to severe stressers. I ended up taking care of my Mom for almost 5 months etc..., so TTC was so on the back burner. Finally here we are and I have an appointment with a local very well known fertility center on Sept. 1st. I too, (like Mom2Lillian) have prayed to be shown the right path, and the way we're supposed to go. The next day we were referred to the center.

I feel hopeful, scared, ecstatic, and nervous all at one. I just hope you find some comfort in your appointment as well, and know that we are all in this together. Hugs to you!!!


New member
1 yr of ttc-Updated.

I just wanted to tell you how I understand. I am so sorry you're having a difficult time but you are not alone. I haven't been on the forums here for a while now...I got pregnant right away last year then miscarried 6 weeks later. It has been devastating to us.

It's been 16 months since the last pregnancy and I'm so ready for the next step. Granted since the miscarriage, we haven't tried each month due to severe stressers. I ended up taking care of my Mom for almost 5 months etc..., so TTC was so on the back burner. Finally here we are and I have an appointment with a local very well known fertility center on Sept. 1st. I too, (like Mom2Lillian) have prayed to be shown the right path, and the way we're supposed to go. The next day we were referred to the center.

I feel hopeful, scared, ecstatic, and nervous all at one. I just hope you find some comfort in your appointment as well, and know that we are all in this together. Hugs to you!!!


New member
1 yr of ttc-Updated.

I just wanted to tell you how I understand. I am so sorry you're having a difficult time but you are not alone. I haven't been on the forums here for a while now...I got pregnant right away last year then miscarried 6 weeks later. It has been devastating to us.
<br />
<br />It's been 16 months since the last pregnancy and I'm so ready for the next step. Granted since the miscarriage, we haven't tried each month due to severe stressers. I ended up taking care of my Mom for almost 5 months etc..., so TTC was so on the back burner. Finally here we are and I have an appointment with a local very well known fertility center on Sept. 1st. I too, (like Mom2Lillian) have prayed to be shown the right path, and the way we're supposed to go. The next day we were referred to the center.
<br />
<br />I feel hopeful, scared, ecstatic, and nervous all at one. I just hope you find some comfort in your appointment as well, and know that we are all in this together. Hugs to you!!!