1 yr old positive c-diff


New member
she has not been in the hospital ever. we have been to the doctor's office for her weigh ins. i suppose that could be where she picked it up. sounds like folks, even those that have not been on antibiotics or in a hospital, can and do get c-diff. it is not as common but it does happen. when i asked my ped her nurse said, "its because she has cf". i don't know if i agree with that, yes maybe if she had been on PPIs and antibiotics but this was not the case. although as mentioned they did start her on prevacid (but this was after her GI issues began) i don't know if this made things worse or if the c-diff was becoming more severe because it went untreated for several weeks.<br><br>she is taking the Flagyl 3x/day for 5 days. we are upping are regularly probiotics and awaiting for some with <em>Saccharomyces boulardii which supposedly is effective for restoring the bacterial balance when c-diff is an issue.<br><br>i am keeping my fingers crossed that this course does it and i will continue the probiotics <br>after too.<br><br>they want us to resume the prevacid (which i stopped when her symptoms got worse) but knowing what i know now and just don't think i can. i feel certain that the weight gain issues are related to the c-diff not the decrease effectiveness of enzymes as before she got sick she was gaining weight fine. she is small, though, but has been since birth. i am small and my husband's side of the family is very thin.<br><br>i am a little concerned above how tired she seems. she is sleeping way more than usual. i suppose the 3 weeks of GI issues has left her exhausted? we did just re-did her labs and not anemic. other labs, prior to yesterday, taken about 1 month ago before this all began were good for vitamin levels, albumin, etc.<br><br><br><br></em>