10 years left


New member
I struggle with this idea now and again. Some days I want to just drop everything and go travel the world. But in reality, my husband has just as much of a "right" to quit is job for something he loves as I do, CF or no CF. Yes, the statistics may say I'm going to go first, but we don't know that for sure. The key is to finding a balance where you BOTH feel like you're getting what you want out of life.

And maybe for those of us who aren't in a position to quit our jobs or reduce our hours, volunteering for something worthwhile can give us that "value" we're looking for. I found I was much more content with my 'day job' when I was giving of my time in other areas (on the weekends, evenings etc). Even if it is only once a month, it's still making a difference somewhere, which makes me feel good.

Now, when your health starts to decline b/c you're working too many hours, well that's another matter... and let's all pray we have people around us to support us when those times come!


New member
I struggle with this idea now and again. Some days I want to just drop everything and go travel the world. But in reality, my husband has just as much of a "right" to quit is job for something he loves as I do, CF or no CF. Yes, the statistics may say I'm going to go first, but we don't know that for sure. The key is to finding a balance where you BOTH feel like you're getting what you want out of life.

And maybe for those of us who aren't in a position to quit our jobs or reduce our hours, volunteering for something worthwhile can give us that "value" we're looking for. I found I was much more content with my 'day job' when I was giving of my time in other areas (on the weekends, evenings etc). Even if it is only once a month, it's still making a difference somewhere, which makes me feel good.

Now, when your health starts to decline b/c you're working too many hours, well that's another matter... and let's all pray we have people around us to support us when those times come!


New member
I struggle with this idea now and again. Some days I want to just drop everything and go travel the world. But in reality, my husband has just as much of a "right" to quit is job for something he loves as I do, CF or no CF. Yes, the statistics may say I'm going to go first, but we don't know that for sure. The key is to finding a balance where you BOTH feel like you're getting what you want out of life.

And maybe for those of us who aren't in a position to quit our jobs or reduce our hours, volunteering for something worthwhile can give us that "value" we're looking for. I found I was much more content with my 'day job' when I was giving of my time in other areas (on the weekends, evenings etc). Even if it is only once a month, it's still making a difference somewhere, which makes me feel good.

Now, when your health starts to decline b/c you're working too many hours, well that's another matter... and let's all pray we have people around us to support us when those times come!


New member
I struggle with this idea now and again. Some days I want to just drop everything and go travel the world. But in reality, my husband has just as much of a "right" to quit is job for something he loves as I do, CF or no CF. Yes, the statistics may say I'm going to go first, but we don't know that for sure. The key is to finding a balance where you BOTH feel like you're getting what you want out of life.

And maybe for those of us who aren't in a position to quit our jobs or reduce our hours, volunteering for something worthwhile can give us that "value" we're looking for. I found I was much more content with my 'day job' when I was giving of my time in other areas (on the weekends, evenings etc). Even if it is only once a month, it's still making a difference somewhere, which makes me feel good.

Now, when your health starts to decline b/c you're working too many hours, well that's another matter... and let's all pray we have people around us to support us when those times come!


New member
I struggle with this idea now and again. Some days I want to just drop everything and go travel the world. But in reality, my husband has just as much of a "right" to quit is job for something he loves as I do, CF or no CF. Yes, the statistics may say I'm going to go first, but we don't know that for sure. The key is to finding a balance where you BOTH feel like you're getting what you want out of life.
<br />
<br />And maybe for those of us who aren't in a position to quit our jobs or reduce our hours, volunteering for something worthwhile can give us that "value" we're looking for. I found I was much more content with my 'day job' when I was giving of my time in other areas (on the weekends, evenings etc). Even if it is only once a month, it's still making a difference somewhere, which makes me feel good.
<br />
<br />Now, when your health starts to decline b/c you're working too many hours, well that's another matter... and let's all pray we have people around us to support us when those times come!


New member
Well, i can only tell you what i did when i thought i only had 2 years left. When i was diagnosed with cepacia almost 12 years ago i didnt know anything about it at all. i read something that mentioned a 2 year limit, so i figured that was all i had left. I was devastated at first and tried to prepare myself, my fanily and my friends. I also did dome soul searching and realized that i can go out of my mind, go nuts, Cry forever, plead forever, make every promise in the world, do this do that,fight like heck, but if i am meant to die then i am still going to. I came to a point where i just decided to carry on with my life and do what i do and just take care of myself and do what i had to do.
I was never one to save every penny i had for a "rainy day" because not one person ....healthy or not, is guaranteed a "rainy day" . If i want something and i can aford it now, i will get it now and not waste time. I've seen many healthy people ( sone friends) die from all sorts of different things, believing they had forever to do something they wanted to do and just put it off for later.
I have a muscle car and am in a muscle car club and one day i was talking to the one older guy in my club and were discussing why i dont "wrap up" my car for the winter. MOst people with muscle cars cover their car after car show season ( this timne of year) shove them in a garage and not touch them till spring. I dont ever do that and never will.
I told him that i built it to be enjoyed and i will enjoy it as often as i can despite the weather. Obviously if it is raining or snowing i dont drive the car for safety issues.
I told him no-one is guaranteed another spring and what a waste it would be for you to store the car for the winter WISHING you could be enjoying it, and then something happens and you die. You wasted all those months WISHING you could be enjoying the car when you actually could have BEEN enjoying the car, but you were taking for granted you had another spring to do that.
It seems like most people live their lives like they have the rest of their lives to do it, and sadly some dont. You gotta do what makes you happy while you are here


New member
Well, i can only tell you what i did when i thought i only had 2 years left. When i was diagnosed with cepacia almost 12 years ago i didnt know anything about it at all. i read something that mentioned a 2 year limit, so i figured that was all i had left. I was devastated at first and tried to prepare myself, my fanily and my friends. I also did dome soul searching and realized that i can go out of my mind, go nuts, Cry forever, plead forever, make every promise in the world, do this do that,fight like heck, but if i am meant to die then i am still going to. I came to a point where i just decided to carry on with my life and do what i do and just take care of myself and do what i had to do.
I was never one to save every penny i had for a "rainy day" because not one person ....healthy or not, is guaranteed a "rainy day" . If i want something and i can aford it now, i will get it now and not waste time. I've seen many healthy people ( sone friends) die from all sorts of different things, believing they had forever to do something they wanted to do and just put it off for later.
I have a muscle car and am in a muscle car club and one day i was talking to the one older guy in my club and were discussing why i dont "wrap up" my car for the winter. MOst people with muscle cars cover their car after car show season ( this timne of year) shove them in a garage and not touch them till spring. I dont ever do that and never will.
I told him that i built it to be enjoyed and i will enjoy it as often as i can despite the weather. Obviously if it is raining or snowing i dont drive the car for safety issues.
I told him no-one is guaranteed another spring and what a waste it would be for you to store the car for the winter WISHING you could be enjoying it, and then something happens and you die. You wasted all those months WISHING you could be enjoying the car when you actually could have BEEN enjoying the car, but you were taking for granted you had another spring to do that.
It seems like most people live their lives like they have the rest of their lives to do it, and sadly some dont. You gotta do what makes you happy while you are here


New member
Well, i can only tell you what i did when i thought i only had 2 years left. When i was diagnosed with cepacia almost 12 years ago i didnt know anything about it at all. i read something that mentioned a 2 year limit, so i figured that was all i had left. I was devastated at first and tried to prepare myself, my fanily and my friends. I also did dome soul searching and realized that i can go out of my mind, go nuts, Cry forever, plead forever, make every promise in the world, do this do that,fight like heck, but if i am meant to die then i am still going to. I came to a point where i just decided to carry on with my life and do what i do and just take care of myself and do what i had to do.
I was never one to save every penny i had for a "rainy day" because not one person ....healthy or not, is guaranteed a "rainy day" . If i want something and i can aford it now, i will get it now and not waste time. I've seen many healthy people ( sone friends) die from all sorts of different things, believing they had forever to do something they wanted to do and just put it off for later.
I have a muscle car and am in a muscle car club and one day i was talking to the one older guy in my club and were discussing why i dont "wrap up" my car for the winter. MOst people with muscle cars cover their car after car show season ( this timne of year) shove them in a garage and not touch them till spring. I dont ever do that and never will.
I told him that i built it to be enjoyed and i will enjoy it as often as i can despite the weather. Obviously if it is raining or snowing i dont drive the car for safety issues.
I told him no-one is guaranteed another spring and what a waste it would be for you to store the car for the winter WISHING you could be enjoying it, and then something happens and you die. You wasted all those months WISHING you could be enjoying the car when you actually could have BEEN enjoying the car, but you were taking for granted you had another spring to do that.
It seems like most people live their lives like they have the rest of their lives to do it, and sadly some dont. You gotta do what makes you happy while you are here


New member
Well, i can only tell you what i did when i thought i only had 2 years left. When i was diagnosed with cepacia almost 12 years ago i didnt know anything about it at all. i read something that mentioned a 2 year limit, so i figured that was all i had left. I was devastated at first and tried to prepare myself, my fanily and my friends. I also did dome soul searching and realized that i can go out of my mind, go nuts, Cry forever, plead forever, make every promise in the world, do this do that,fight like heck, but if i am meant to die then i am still going to. I came to a point where i just decided to carry on with my life and do what i do and just take care of myself and do what i had to do.
I was never one to save every penny i had for a "rainy day" because not one person ....healthy or not, is guaranteed a "rainy day" . If i want something and i can aford it now, i will get it now and not waste time. I've seen many healthy people ( sone friends) die from all sorts of different things, believing they had forever to do something they wanted to do and just put it off for later.
I have a muscle car and am in a muscle car club and one day i was talking to the one older guy in my club and were discussing why i dont "wrap up" my car for the winter. MOst people with muscle cars cover their car after car show season ( this timne of year) shove them in a garage and not touch them till spring. I dont ever do that and never will.
I told him that i built it to be enjoyed and i will enjoy it as often as i can despite the weather. Obviously if it is raining or snowing i dont drive the car for safety issues.
I told him no-one is guaranteed another spring and what a waste it would be for you to store the car for the winter WISHING you could be enjoying it, and then something happens and you die. You wasted all those months WISHING you could be enjoying the car when you actually could have BEEN enjoying the car, but you were taking for granted you had another spring to do that.
It seems like most people live their lives like they have the rest of their lives to do it, and sadly some dont. You gotta do what makes you happy while you are here


New member
Well, i can only tell you what i did when i thought i only had 2 years left. When i was diagnosed with cepacia almost 12 years ago i didnt know anything about it at all. i read something that mentioned a 2 year limit, so i figured that was all i had left. I was devastated at first and tried to prepare myself, my fanily and my friends. I also did dome soul searching and realized that i can go out of my mind, go nuts, Cry forever, plead forever, make every promise in the world, do this do that,fight like heck, but if i am meant to die then i am still going to. I came to a point where i just decided to carry on with my life and do what i do and just take care of myself and do what i had to do.
<br />I was never one to save every penny i had for a "rainy day" because not one person ....healthy or not, is guaranteed a "rainy day" . If i want something and i can aford it now, i will get it now and not waste time. I've seen many healthy people ( sone friends) die from all sorts of different things, believing they had forever to do something they wanted to do and just put it off for later.
<br /> I have a muscle car and am in a muscle car club and one day i was talking to the one older guy in my club and were discussing why i dont "wrap up" my car for the winter. MOst people with muscle cars cover their car after car show season ( this timne of year) shove them in a garage and not touch them till spring. I dont ever do that and never will.
<br />I told him that i built it to be enjoyed and i will enjoy it as often as i can despite the weather. Obviously if it is raining or snowing i dont drive the car for safety issues.
<br /> I told him no-one is guaranteed another spring and what a waste it would be for you to store the car for the winter WISHING you could be enjoying it, and then something happens and you die. You wasted all those months WISHING you could be enjoying the car when you actually could have BEEN enjoying the car, but you were taking for granted you had another spring to do that.
<br />It seems like most people live their lives like they have the rest of their lives to do it, and sadly some dont. You gotta do what makes you happy while you are here
<br />


New member
One Sunday this past April I was at 60 hours for the week (plus school) finishing up a project. I left the office and had my wife take me to the ER. My sats were in the low 80s, HR in the 130s, and after some scans they found my right lung was collapsing.

The worst part:

I spent 10 days in the hospital from that and I had over 40 hours on my timesheet... from the f'n hospital. Last night I decided enough was enough.


New member
One Sunday this past April I was at 60 hours for the week (plus school) finishing up a project. I left the office and had my wife take me to the ER. My sats were in the low 80s, HR in the 130s, and after some scans they found my right lung was collapsing.

The worst part:

I spent 10 days in the hospital from that and I had over 40 hours on my timesheet... from the f'n hospital. Last night I decided enough was enough.


New member
One Sunday this past April I was at 60 hours for the week (plus school) finishing up a project. I left the office and had my wife take me to the ER. My sats were in the low 80s, HR in the 130s, and after some scans they found my right lung was collapsing.

The worst part:

I spent 10 days in the hospital from that and I had over 40 hours on my timesheet... from the f'n hospital. Last night I decided enough was enough.


New member
One Sunday this past April I was at 60 hours for the week (plus school) finishing up a project. I left the office and had my wife take me to the ER. My sats were in the low 80s, HR in the 130s, and after some scans they found my right lung was collapsing.

The worst part:

I spent 10 days in the hospital from that and I had over 40 hours on my timesheet... from the f'n hospital. Last night I decided enough was enough.


New member
One Sunday this past April I was at 60 hours for the week (plus school) finishing up a project. I left the office and had my wife take me to the ER. My sats were in the low 80s, HR in the 130s, and after some scans they found my right lung was collapsing.
<br />
<br />The worst part:
<br />
<br />I spent 10 days in the hospital from that and I had over 40 hours on my timesheet... from the f'n hospital. Last night I decided enough was enough.