My son has both CF and Autism with some OCD traits. Not enough OCD traits to diagnose as OCD but we treat the OCD and the anxiety with SSRI medication. I do understand what you are saying about drugs and the zombie like state, and I know many drugs will do that. But might want to consider what my son is on, I can tell you I did not see that happen with my son when we started the medication.
He is on the generic Luvox, (fluxoamine 100 mg) per day. The neurologist suggested taking it to help with anxiety and to try and help with the self imposed food restrictions (caused by the autism - can only eat certain foods) I cannot say it helped with the food choices but we do see less anxiety, less OCD traits and the most benefit we have seen is he doesn't get stuck in a loop of indecision so often anymore.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know to ask your doctor about SSRI meds and if they would help you son - I can say first hand that this particular drug at this particular dose does not cause any side effects or "zombie" type fog for my son. He also ramped up when he first started taking it so he didn't get any side effects - started with 25 mg a day for a week and increased each week to 100 mg. We moved last year and we decided to bump him up to 150 mg per day to help with the anxiety about the move. That seemed to help out, we just moved him back down to 100mg a few weeks ago.
He is on the generic Luvox, (fluxoamine 100 mg) per day. The neurologist suggested taking it to help with anxiety and to try and help with the self imposed food restrictions (caused by the autism - can only eat certain foods) I cannot say it helped with the food choices but we do see less anxiety, less OCD traits and the most benefit we have seen is he doesn't get stuck in a loop of indecision so often anymore.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know to ask your doctor about SSRI meds and if they would help you son - I can say first hand that this particular drug at this particular dose does not cause any side effects or "zombie" type fog for my son. He also ramped up when he first started taking it so he didn't get any side effects - started with 25 mg a day for a week and increased each week to 100 mg. We moved last year and we decided to bump him up to 150 mg per day to help with the anxiety about the move. That seemed to help out, we just moved him back down to 100mg a few weeks ago.