Hi, we live in Texas as well. It hit around 113-115 where we live yesterday and they are predicting we will hit 113 today.. I walked out of the house with my hair wet yesterday. The wind was blowing a little and it dried my hair before I got into the car. But, aside from the heat, the other problem is, many cities in Texas have relatively borderline air quality and the hotter it gets the worse the air quality becomes due to car and factory exhaust. Right now the East side of the state's air quality is showing in the 'moderate' zone as versus the 'good' zone. According to the EPA (theoretically) that level is OK for most folks but some who have respiratory difficulties may be experiencing negative impacts. My son is one of those who is negatively impacted so that's why when it hot like this we cancel our CF clinic appointments in Dallas and reset them to a date that's a little less hot. My advice, stay inside and if you can run a HEPA filter - it doesn't help take out everything in the air but it will take out some of it.