15 y/o with cystic fibrosis, depression, and anxiety.



hi guys, i really don't know what to do anymore. i HATE living! all i want to do is cry every second of the day and all i think about is if and when i just want to pull the effing plug on this "life" that i have, really i don't have anything close to a life with cf i am in and out of the hospital every few months, all i do every day is treatments and medicines, and i am now home schooled because of cf and i don't have any friends whats so ever. i am really anxious and depressed all the time and i can barely handle it anymore. i wish that people with cf could at least hang together because that might make things better to have people to relate to in real life. and on top of all of this i have major bloating issues and i feel uncomfortable to be around people "especially guys" my age because i am embarrassed and really self conscious. anyone i can remotely relate to here? i just don't know how much more i can take this <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


hi guys, i really don't know what to do anymore. i HATE living! all i want to do is cry every second of the day and all i think about is if and when i just want to pull the effing plug on this "life" that i have, really i don't have anything close to a life with cf i am in and out of the hospital every few months, all i do every day is treatments and medicines, and i am now home schooled because of cf and i don't have any friends whats so ever. i am really anxious and depressed all the time and i can barely handle it anymore. i wish that people with cf could at least hang together because that might make things better to have people to relate to in real life. and on top of all of this i have major bloating issues and i feel uncomfortable to be around people "especially guys" my age because i am embarrassed and really self conscious. anyone i can remotely relate to here? i just don't know how much more i can take this <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


hi guys, i really don't know what to do anymore. i HATE living! all i want to do is cry every second of the day and all i think about is if and when i just want to pull the effing plug on this "life" that i have, really i don't have anything close to a life with cf i am in and out of the hospital every few months, all i do every day is treatments and medicines, and i am now home schooled because of cf and i don't have any friends whats so ever. i am really anxious and depressed all the time and i can barely handle it anymore. i wish that people with cf could at least hang together because that might make things better to have people to relate to in real life. and on top of all of this i have major bloating issues and i feel uncomfortable to be around people "especially guys" my age because i am embarrassed and really self conscious. anyone i can remotely relate to here? i just don't know how much more i can take this <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


15 y/o with cystic fibrosis, ocd, depression, and anxiety.

also i was wondering if there is ANY possible way that kids with cf could hang out?


15 y/o with cystic fibrosis, ocd, depression, and anxiety.

also i was wondering if there is ANY possible way that kids with cf could hang out?


15 y/o with cystic fibrosis, ocd, depression, and anxiety.

also i was wondering if there is ANY possible way that kids with cf could hang out?


New member
15 y/o with cystic fibrosis, ocd, depression, and anxiety.

Hi Megan,
I'm really sorry to hear you're feeling this way. I have been reading a lot of posts lately from people your age with CF who feel EXACTLY like you do. So it would be great for you to connect with them. Look for their posts - there is also a post about a facebook group for young people with CF. While you can't hang out in person, you can find that same community feel online. I hope this works out for you and you can see that you aren't alone and that no matter how tough it gets, YOU and YOUR life are worth fighting for.


New member
15 y/o with cystic fibrosis, ocd, depression, and anxiety.

Hi Megan,
I'm really sorry to hear you're feeling this way. I have been reading a lot of posts lately from people your age with CF who feel EXACTLY like you do. So it would be great for you to connect with them. Look for their posts - there is also a post about a facebook group for young people with CF. While you can't hang out in person, you can find that same community feel online. I hope this works out for you and you can see that you aren't alone and that no matter how tough it gets, YOU and YOUR life are worth fighting for.


New member
15 y/o with cystic fibrosis, ocd, depression, and anxiety.

Hi Megan,
<br />I'm really sorry to hear you're feeling this way. I have been reading a lot of posts lately from people your age with CF who feel EXACTLY like you do. So it would be great for you to connect with them. Look for their posts - there is also a post about a facebook group for young people with CF. While you can't hang out in person, you can find that same community feel online. I hope this works out for you and you can see that you aren't alone and that no matter how tough it gets, YOU and YOUR life are worth fighting for.


New member
Hey Megan,

We have all been there and experienced exactly what you are going through and although I wish I could say it goes away, it won't because it is a part of life that we have to deal with. Learning to accept it and finding ways around the challenges in life is what you have to do.
Things will get better, you just have to let them =)
(Feel free to message me if you want)


New member
Hey Megan,

We have all been there and experienced exactly what you are going through and although I wish I could say it goes away, it won't because it is a part of life that we have to deal with. Learning to accept it and finding ways around the challenges in life is what you have to do.
Things will get better, you just have to let them =)
(Feel free to message me if you want)


New member
Hey Megan,
<br />
<br />We have all been there and experienced exactly what you are going through and although I wish I could say it goes away, it won't because it is a part of life that we have to deal with. Learning to accept it and finding ways around the challenges in life is what you have to do.
<br />Things will get better, you just have to let them =)
<br />(Feel free to message me if you want)


New member
Hi Megan,

First of all I love your picture. You are such a beautiful and articulate girl. I am so sorry you are having such a hard time.

My son is 13 and he has had a rough two years as well. I think CF is a particularly hard disease because you can't get together with other kids with CF which can make you feel even more isolated and different from everyone else. That has got to be so hard for you. On top of all you are dealing with on the cf front just being 15 is hard. Many of the emotions and self consciousness you describe can be common for teens even if they don't have CF. Having the CF on top of it makes it a million times harder.

How is the homeschooling going? My son was missing so much school that we tried it for a while this past year. I pulled him out for 6 weeks to see if that would be a good option for us. For him, although he loved sleeping late and not having a lot of homework, it was very isolating. He really missed his friends. Are you still able to get together with kids from school?

Also are you able to talk to your parents or a counselor about how you feel? Sometimes just venting can be helpful believe it or not. I wish there was some thing I could say to make you feel better and take all these challenges you face away. It isn't fair, I agree. That said, it is really important to take care of yourself physically and emotionally because you are young and I live each day with the hope for a cure. Please hang in there and let the people who love you in to your life. I am pretty sure you have family who really love you.

Oh one other thing , I recently read a book called The Seven Letters That Changed My Life by a woman named Dottie Lessard. You can get the book on Amazon. com. She has CF and she went through a lot but she has this incredible attitude and approach to life. She sort of motivates you in the book to face your challenges, meet your goals and she gives you ideas on how to do this. It is really easy to read, I bet you would like it. Good summer reading. ;-)

Take care Megan, hang in there.



New member
Hi Megan,

First of all I love your picture. You are such a beautiful and articulate girl. I am so sorry you are having such a hard time.

My son is 13 and he has had a rough two years as well. I think CF is a particularly hard disease because you can't get together with other kids with CF which can make you feel even more isolated and different from everyone else. That has got to be so hard for you. On top of all you are dealing with on the cf front just being 15 is hard. Many of the emotions and self consciousness you describe can be common for teens even if they don't have CF. Having the CF on top of it makes it a million times harder.

How is the homeschooling going? My son was missing so much school that we tried it for a while this past year. I pulled him out for 6 weeks to see if that would be a good option for us. For him, although he loved sleeping late and not having a lot of homework, it was very isolating. He really missed his friends. Are you still able to get together with kids from school?

Also are you able to talk to your parents or a counselor about how you feel? Sometimes just venting can be helpful believe it or not. I wish there was some thing I could say to make you feel better and take all these challenges you face away. It isn't fair, I agree. That said, it is really important to take care of yourself physically and emotionally because you are young and I live each day with the hope for a cure. Please hang in there and let the people who love you in to your life. I am pretty sure you have family who really love you.

Oh one other thing , I recently read a book called The Seven Letters That Changed My Life by a woman named Dottie Lessard. You can get the book on Amazon. com. She has CF and she went through a lot but she has this incredible attitude and approach to life. She sort of motivates you in the book to face your challenges, meet your goals and she gives you ideas on how to do this. It is really easy to read, I bet you would like it. Good summer reading. ;-)

Take care Megan, hang in there.



New member
Hi Megan,
<br />
<br />First of all I love your picture. You are such a beautiful and articulate girl. I am so sorry you are having such a hard time.
<br />
<br /> My son is 13 and he has had a rough two years as well. I think CF is a particularly hard disease because you can't get together with other kids with CF which can make you feel even more isolated and different from everyone else. That has got to be so hard for you. On top of all you are dealing with on the cf front just being 15 is hard. Many of the emotions and self consciousness you describe can be common for teens even if they don't have CF. Having the CF on top of it makes it a million times harder.
<br />
<br /> How is the homeschooling going? My son was missing so much school that we tried it for a while this past year. I pulled him out for 6 weeks to see if that would be a good option for us. For him, although he loved sleeping late and not having a lot of homework, it was very isolating. He really missed his friends. Are you still able to get together with kids from school?
<br />
<br /> Also are you able to talk to your parents or a counselor about how you feel? Sometimes just venting can be helpful believe it or not. I wish there was some thing I could say to make you feel better and take all these challenges you face away. It isn't fair, I agree. That said, it is really important to take care of yourself physically and emotionally because you are young and I live each day with the hope for a cure. Please hang in there and let the people who love you in to your life. I am pretty sure you have family who really love you.
<br />
<br /> Oh one other thing , I recently read a book called The Seven Letters That Changed My Life by a woman named Dottie Lessard. You can get the book on Amazon. com. She has CF and she went through a lot but she has this incredible attitude and approach to life. She sort of motivates you in the book to face your challenges, meet your goals and she gives you ideas on how to do this. It is really easy to read, I bet you would like it. Good summer reading. ;-)
<br />
<br />Take care Megan, hang in there.
<br />
<br />Tara


thank you so much, i actually just took that picture three days ago <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

i actually love home school though, as far as work and grades, because i get the "one on one" time with my teacher, it's much easier to pay attention. it is very isolating though, i don't know ONE person my age right now so i joined the ymca and take guitar lessons. and when i wake up, when i went to regular school all i thought about was how i was going to look, and if i was going to be feeling sick or bloated. but now i wake up and think about WORK lol <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> there was so much pressure at my school with kids just being plain mean, and they would make fun of my cough and ask if i smoked and a lot of kids smoked at my school and asked me to and i had to say no every time (they thought i was lame for not wanting to smoke pot) also it's really embarrassing asking if i could go to the bathroom in the middle of class. so overall i like home school better than regular school.

ps: i'm really happy, i just got my report card yesterday and i have straight A's!!!

and i go to a therapist once a week and i want to see him more actually. so i'm going to request that. i vent A LOT! i'm still trying every day to get enough energy to get through the day with medicines and treatments and all. it's just so hard sometimes to do them because then i constantly think about the fact that this is what i might be 'doomed' to have to live with for the rest of my life <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> my family does love me a lot and they are really supportive (not so much my brother and sister lol) but my mom and grandma would do anything for me and i love them for that <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

i'll definitely check out the book thank you so much!!


thank you so much, i actually just took that picture three days ago <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

i actually love home school though, as far as work and grades, because i get the "one on one" time with my teacher, it's much easier to pay attention. it is very isolating though, i don't know ONE person my age right now so i joined the ymca and take guitar lessons. and when i wake up, when i went to regular school all i thought about was how i was going to look, and if i was going to be feeling sick or bloated. but now i wake up and think about WORK lol <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> there was so much pressure at my school with kids just being plain mean, and they would make fun of my cough and ask if i smoked and a lot of kids smoked at my school and asked me to and i had to say no every time (they thought i was lame for not wanting to smoke pot) also it's really embarrassing asking if i could go to the bathroom in the middle of class. so overall i like home school better than regular school.

ps: i'm really happy, i just got my report card yesterday and i have straight A's!!!

and i go to a therapist once a week and i want to see him more actually. so i'm going to request that. i vent A LOT! i'm still trying every day to get enough energy to get through the day with medicines and treatments and all. it's just so hard sometimes to do them because then i constantly think about the fact that this is what i might be 'doomed' to have to live with for the rest of my life <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> my family does love me a lot and they are really supportive (not so much my brother and sister lol) but my mom and grandma would do anything for me and i love them for that <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

i'll definitely check out the book thank you so much!!


thank you so much, i actually just took that picture three days ago <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />i actually love home school though, as far as work and grades, because i get the "one on one" time with my teacher, it's much easier to pay attention. it is very isolating though, i don't know ONE person my age right now so i joined the ymca and take guitar lessons. and when i wake up, when i went to regular school all i thought about was how i was going to look, and if i was going to be feeling sick or bloated. but now i wake up and think about WORK lol <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> there was so much pressure at my school with kids just being plain mean, and they would make fun of my cough and ask if i smoked and a lot of kids smoked at my school and asked me to and i had to say no every time (they thought i was lame for not wanting to smoke pot) also it's really embarrassing asking if i could go to the bathroom in the middle of class. so overall i like home school better than regular school.
<br />
<br />ps: i'm really happy, i just got my report card yesterday and i have straight A's!!!
<br />
<br />and i go to a therapist once a week and i want to see him more actually. so i'm going to request that. i vent A LOT! i'm still trying every day to get enough energy to get through the day with medicines and treatments and all. it's just so hard sometimes to do them because then i constantly think about the fact that this is what i might be 'doomed' to have to live with for the rest of my life <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> my family does love me a lot and they are really supportive (not so much my brother and sister lol) but my mom and grandma would do anything for me and i love them for that <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />i'll definitely check out the book thank you so much!!


New member
Hey, Megan! My name is Caralayah, and I'm 16. My little five year old brother might have CF, so my mom got on the forums. She saw your post and she told me about you, that we have a lot in common <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I also play guitar. When I was in 8th grade, I had to be homeschooled for a while because of bullying, and even though I went back to school I still get made fun of a lot, so I can really relate to you. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
My facebook is: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?id=100000726962378&pid=177163#!/profile.php?id=100000726962378
</a>and here's my email: oicwydt27@gmail.com


New member
Hey, Megan! My name is Caralayah, and I'm 16. My little five year old brother might have CF, so my mom got on the forums. She saw your post and she told me about you, that we have a lot in common <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I also play guitar. When I was in 8th grade, I had to be homeschooled for a while because of bullying, and even though I went back to school I still get made fun of a lot, so I can really relate to you. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
My facebook is: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?id=100000726962378&pid=177163#!/profile.php?id=100000726962378
</a>and here's my email: oicwydt27@gmail.com