16 year old male with CF


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Hey everybody My name is David and I have cystic fibrosis. this is my first time on this site and i was wondering if any of you want to talk to me. I have a friend name kyle that i met at riley and he has cf too. I would talk to him but i forgot his E-Mail address. I would appreciate it if some one would respond to this by E-mailing me at DDOGAKADAVID@aol.com



New member
Hi David

My name is Aria and although I do not have CF I do have 1 friend who just recinlt passed away from it and my bestie of 5 years has it and I would love to talk to some one about what it is like to have cf from a perspective that is not my friends and this could hopefully give me an insight to how it affects others in other ways please write back if you wish.

P.S I am 15 and live in New Zealand


New member
hi david i dont have cf but i work with someone who does and i also have to write a paper on it so please if it wouldnt bother u could u tell me about it just so i can get an insight on it from someone who has it. thanx


New member
hi i see u posted this the day before my little brothers birthday. He has CF. hes actually in hostpital at the moment he's 14 now. im 16 and if ya wana chat to me you can. i understand CF quite alot from living with my brother.
my e-mail address is Turnips4abrain@hotmail.com lol dont laff at it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">
Hey everybody its me again i appericate all the responses. If you need info on CF i will be gladly to share some with you. If you want to chat with me just respond to this letter and i will respond back. Thanks again.

X: David


Thats cool hi my name is Amber and Im 14 and my friend Mckayla is really cool too. what up whith u?


New member
hey buddy i have cf too they didn't give me more than ten years to live but i am 15 and i am still living well if you want t talk then i will talk but email me at lifeoftoby@yahooo.com <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">
Hey Everybody its David again I had to change my Log in name because i forgot the password lol Well i have gotten alot of questions. To anwser a few, I am 5'8 145lbs Dirty Blonde hair green/blue eyes and i will be 17 on May 21. CF is pretty hard to live with because of all the times I have to go into the hospital and all the treatments and medication I have to take. Sassy i am getting ready to turn 17 as i said at the top of this note and i am 5'8 also as i said at the top of this note. Anybody with an Anonymous name can e mail me at CFTEENAGER@hotmail.com and i would be gladly to anwser there questions.



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<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0"> HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR THE OTHA DAY DAVID <img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0">

love ya
<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0"> bree <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
p.s u sound HOT!!
IM 16 F
neways gotta get back to doin my skool work <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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hey this is megan feeley. im using my sister katies log-in name. i dont have cf but katie does.feel free to em me at gwen.feeley@comcast.net. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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This is Kimberly Lasica how are you doing? Im fine! I have Cysticfibrosis also. I know this sounds wierd but i have sandy blonde hair and blue eyes but not greenish/blue. Im 5ft and weigh 90 lbs. i try so hard to keep my weight up but its kind of hard especially in the Summer <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"> I think its really nice to chat with you WOW i never really chated with a guy that had CF i feel really special to know that someone so nice like you could be so nice and actually want to chat with someone else that has CF!!! I bet you anything that alot of people envy... you for all of the niceness kindness and the personality thats within a nice soul. I am really sorry but i do not have an E-mail adress because my computer froze and then crashed<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">. I want you to stay healthy and remember all of the decisions that you make now in life you could regret later soooooo.... Please make the right choices and you will out live all of us. I have a couple questions to ask do you want to go to College? and what do you want to be when you grow up later in life/ or any special things you would like to do?
P.S. I will try to chat with you later if you respond and mabey we could both be on the internet at the sames time and just write each other letters back and fourth if ya know what im saying L.O.L<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> Always @ 4 ever
<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0"> Kimberly Lasica<img src="i/expressions/moon.gif" border="0">


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this is kimberly
im sorry i sent so many i thought that they were not sending through but the one right above this one is the right one cuz on the others i mest up SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">