I apologize in advance because I know this is going to be long, but I feel the more info I give, the more people may be able to help.
I'll start with my son, he is almost 3 and was born 7 wks premature with 2 holes in his heart, we are waiting for follow up echo results now. From birth until 18 months he had chronic projectile vomiting and chronic foul smelling diarrhea until 4 months ago, which they said was due to a milk allergy and GERD, but testing showed no allergies at all to anything and meds did nothing to help. He has ichthyosis(dry skin condition) and was hospitalized at 3 months for a skin infection, while there they discovered he had a swollen kidney, after lots of tests they couldn't figure out why, and by age 2 swelling disappeared. He has suffered from chronic sinus, eye, ear and throat infections, he had tubes put in and adenoids taken out and surgery to unclog tear ducts where they discovered he is missing one and may need reconstructive surgery for it. He has been on inhalers since 6 months old because he gets chest infections and pnuemonia 4 or more times a year with fevers as high as 107. He has had a chronic cough since Dec, with 2 infections since then. Was tested for IGA deficiency which levels did come back low, but ped said it was normal for his age. His sweat test results have been 59, 70, 76 & 80.
Now my daughter, she is 7 has been on inhalers since she was 2 for asthma, gets chest infections or pnuemonia 2x a year or more with fevers as high as 106.5. She suffered from strep throat and tonsillitis all the time until age 5 when they took her tonsils and adenoids out because she missed almost 3 months her first year of school due to illnesses. She is more contipated than anything which I believe isn't normal for cf kids, a reason dr doesn't believe it is cf. Her sweat test results were 44, 48 & 70.
There tests were done at an accredited center, and we have no known family history. Their dr doesn't seem to think that it is cf because they have never been hospitalized for any chest problems and they both seem to be gaining weight fine but are smaller than most children their age, however they usually eat more in a day than I do.
Now with all that being said, my childern do not have the same father, therefore do not share the same genes, so dr thinks that if they both do have cf, it would be very uncommon. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, and sorry again for the length.
I'll start with my son, he is almost 3 and was born 7 wks premature with 2 holes in his heart, we are waiting for follow up echo results now. From birth until 18 months he had chronic projectile vomiting and chronic foul smelling diarrhea until 4 months ago, which they said was due to a milk allergy and GERD, but testing showed no allergies at all to anything and meds did nothing to help. He has ichthyosis(dry skin condition) and was hospitalized at 3 months for a skin infection, while there they discovered he had a swollen kidney, after lots of tests they couldn't figure out why, and by age 2 swelling disappeared. He has suffered from chronic sinus, eye, ear and throat infections, he had tubes put in and adenoids taken out and surgery to unclog tear ducts where they discovered he is missing one and may need reconstructive surgery for it. He has been on inhalers since 6 months old because he gets chest infections and pnuemonia 4 or more times a year with fevers as high as 107. He has had a chronic cough since Dec, with 2 infections since then. Was tested for IGA deficiency which levels did come back low, but ped said it was normal for his age. His sweat test results have been 59, 70, 76 & 80.
Now my daughter, she is 7 has been on inhalers since she was 2 for asthma, gets chest infections or pnuemonia 2x a year or more with fevers as high as 106.5. She suffered from strep throat and tonsillitis all the time until age 5 when they took her tonsils and adenoids out because she missed almost 3 months her first year of school due to illnesses. She is more contipated than anything which I believe isn't normal for cf kids, a reason dr doesn't believe it is cf. Her sweat test results were 44, 48 & 70.
There tests were done at an accredited center, and we have no known family history. Their dr doesn't seem to think that it is cf because they have never been hospitalized for any chest problems and they both seem to be gaining weight fine but are smaller than most children their age, however they usually eat more in a day than I do.
Now with all that being said, my childern do not have the same father, therefore do not share the same genes, so dr thinks that if they both do have cf, it would be very uncommon. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, and sorry again for the length.