2 children with CF


New member
Not to make this more into an argument, but just to offer a different perspective on the testing while pregnant issue ...

My husband and I knew we were carriers, and with this knowledge decided to have a baby. We had a test done in utero to determine if the baby had CF, and regardless of the outcome, we knew we were going to keep the baby. This test was just for our own knowledge and peace of mind. If it came back negative, we would continue the pregnancy excited knowing we would have a new baby soon. If it came back positive (and it did), we would continue the pregnancy excited about the new baby, but also having time to research this disease and make decisions based on that.

For example, we decided not to deliver at a local hospital, but to make the much longer drive into Boston, where they are equipped to deal with emergencies, should there be one. We've also seen doctors at the two major CF centers near us, to get information and determine where we will want the baby treated once she's born. I also feel like it's been extremely beneficial to us to have all of this information up front, talk to people on these forums, get a better idea of what this disease is and means before our lives are so much busier with a little baby that is nursing every two hours and not sleeping at night.

There are people that would not choose to know, and I completely respect that, but for my husband and I, it was knowledge that we wanted to have as early as possible.

-- Jenica


New member
Ya know, if your going to post a question you should expect to get several DIFFERENT opinions from different people, as we are all different in this world. If you only want to hear cheery things then title the post that way. For example: 2 children with CF (Only post if you have 2 with CF and LOVE IT!) That way you can get the happy responses you want.


New member
I fact my question was specfic:
<b>Does anyone have 2 children with CF and has it been difficult?</b>

Considering the person who wrote the response that I am upset about stated that they only had one child w/cf, then I would consider that person doesn't have the experience to answer my question. Considering that I specifically asked 'has it been difficult', means that infact I wasn't looking for happy rosey answers. How much more specfic do you want me to be? That person didn't answer the question, that person made moral statement. I didn't ask for anyones moral point of view, simply because I don't care. And even if someone did want to put across their moral point of view, it doesn't take to much sense and intelligents to word it, so to not hurt others feelings.