2 hour glucose tolerance test question


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My daughter had one today(she has had it before). She is 15. My question is they gave her 100 grams of dextrose to drink. She chugged it. After I questioned the nurse , when she had it in the past they gave her 75gram. Of course her 2 hour # came back high at 194..But Looking the test up; it looks like you are supposed to give 75grams..I am going to call the lab tomorrow to double check; just annoyed. My daughter is FINE. But still; the nurse said she gave her the "adult " dose but I think she made a mistake.


From what I do know, the dose is based on height and body weight, not age. That might be why she got an adult dose


Super Moderator
As a follow-up they did give my daughter the incorrect dose. She was supposed to get 75 grams(not the 100grams). She still is impaired glucose tolerance, but just an FYI..