Ditto, talk to your clinic. And unfortunately, toddlers are little germ machines -- any toddler. They're always touching things, putting things in their mouths, don't know how to wipe their noses yet or wash hands... This is one of the reasons we chose a daycare center rather than an in home daycare when ds was a baby because the center we chose kept the babies separate from the germy toddlers. Plus they worked with all the kids to remind them to wash hands, not touch each other's faces...
I have friends who discovered their 3 year old had cf when their other child was diagnosed at birth via newborn screening. They're in elementary school, very close and I don't believe they share the same cf bugs.
I think, too the novelty of having a baby around will probably wear off. When my godson, was born, his sister was 3 and the same way. Now that he's 2 she pretty much ignores him unless she's busy shoving or tormenting him.