I am confident LUMACRAFTOR is going to be the win for the glory here for us DELTA F508er's . Please everyone EXERCISE, DO YOUR TREATMENT ROUTINE consistently, EAT well and plenty GO OUT RUN the best you can! And lets finish this freaking 30 year long race! We are close........
" I can climb the highest mountain
Cross the wildest sea
I can feel St. Elmo's Fire burnin' in me
Burnin' in me
Just once in his life
A man has his time
And my time is now
And I'm comin' alive
I can hear the music playin'
I can see the banners fly
Feel like you're back again
And hope ridin' high
Gonna be your man in motion
All I need is a pair of wheels
Take me where my future's lyin'
St. Elmo's Fire
Oooh... "