Hi Sarah!!! Sounds like you had a fantastic easter!!! And chicks....what a wonderfully fun idea!!! But yes very messy and noisy LOL!!! Love the waffles and Peanut butter!! Abby won't touch Peanut Butter

Oh how I wish she would! The kid will eat reese's pb cup but hates pb??!! And Clayton is allergic but wants it!! Hahaha!! Figures right!!
Wow so you have a long lost relative out there that probably has no idea that they are caring that hard to find gene!!! And a long lost brother-in-law!!! And possibly whole other family!!! Oh how exciting and sad that you are missing out on each others lives!! Your family sounds very family oriented like ours!! We love family!! When we got together up at the lake for spring break there was 53 of us out there having a blast!! That's just my moms side. My dad was an only child

And my husbands family is spread out all over the place. I still haven't heard from the family member about the family with the 11 kids yet and I've been so busy with the bake sale and easter that I have not had time to make the drive to the courthouse to investigate for myself yet...but am very anxious to do so. Oh to find the time!! LOL!!!
Yes when we first learned of Abby's mutation I of course started looking it up and I found links about that gene causing eye damage and hearing problems

And Abby already has enough eye problems!! It is scary!!
I'm so glad the 3 of us get to chat!!! I have enjoyed getting to know both of you!!!
Lanor how is Adaira doing? Hopefully better!!