3 week old and Creon 5. Gas/constipated


New member
Hello - my three week old was taking 1/2 Creon 5 with each feeding till today. Up to today he had been doing well. Today he is very gassy and constipated. Could this be related to the Creon 5 or unrelated? He also had been feeding every three hours (Emfamil with lipel) but he seems more hungry now (eating every two hours). Our clinic told us to up his creon dose to 3/4 with every feeding. We did this with the last two feedings and he gas seems worse. He also has not has a bowel movement since 2pm today (not normal). And his last two stools today (9am and 2pm) were very formed and seemed hard for him to pass. Not sure if this is normal baby stuff or possible related to the creon? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Mom to Jameson 3.5 no cf and Bennett 3 weeks w/cf.


New member
If hiw bowel movements have gotten harder to pass as of the change in Creon, that is, the up in dosage... I would take a guess that it's too much. But don't just take him off of it. Call your doctor and ask, but that's probably the problem. He may tell you to go down to a happy medium, like 1/2, or maybe back to 1/4. But call and ask.


New member
Thanks Emily! I was out at the local Stop and Shop at 2am getting milacon for Bennett's gas! I have a call into the clinic b/c we are also slowly approaching 24 hours without a bowel movement. I hope this is just a result of the enzymes needing to be adjusted - or changed to another brand.


New member
Hi Paula,

Congrats on the arrival of baby Bennett! My 2 month old, Brinly is on 1 1/2 capsules of Ultrase. She was on 1 capsule then we upped it because of oil in her stools. I asked the cf clinic what the difference is between Creon and Ultrase and our cf dietian said they were the same?! But she also was gassy and she strained alot so our cf dietian said to add prunes 2x a day to her diet. It really helped!! We just added the Ultrase to it before feeding like the applesauce. Also, i am breast feeding but we had to supplement because i could not keep up with her appetite - we use Similac Advance 3x a day and she has had no problems with it. I would maybe experiment with different formulas? I am guessing she eats about 4 0z. every 3 hours and that is what we give her in formula. But at night she really wants more about 6 oz. And i have noticed that she goes thru growth spurts when she eats every 2 hours- it seems like it only lasts a couple of days! Last night she slept for 7 1/2 hours straight!!! Also she only does bms 4-5 times a day. I told the cf clinic this and she mentioned it might be because of the formula??
Hope this helped!

Birgess 2 1/2yrs w/cf and Brinly 2 months w/ cf


New member
Hi Paula,

I would talk to your doctor and see if the dosage is the right amount. Is your son on any kind of laxative. Right away, my son was taking Miralax (generic name - Glycolax) in his bottles/sippy cups. It's a really gentle medication and if he doesn't have it, he really tends to get constipated. Good luck - I know it can be a tough guessing game with the enzymes, but it sounds like you're doing a great job.



New member
Hi Paula,

I have to say i know how you feel my 19 month was diagnosed at 3wks i went thru the creon issuses and still are.The older he gets the better the gas has gotten our last visit three months ago they uped the creon to 4 -10 then we started to have some issues now we give him what we feel we should with what he is goin to eat it's like a roller coaster but it seems to be working for us as far as the stool goes my son's has been soft and the smell is HORRID that has never changed as of yet but i hope when potty training starts the poop will be harder.I wish you luck i usually check the post once a week if you have any other questions.
Lisa mom of 19m w/cf
p.s if you don't mind what state are you from?


New member
Hello Everyone,

Blythe - GREAT to hear from you and see you and your family doing well!! I will write more to you later!

Lisa- I am from Massachusetts. We receive our care at Mass General. The team there is AMAZING!!! I can't say enough good things about them. We found out at 19 week of our pregnancy that Bennett was positive for CF (double 508B). I went to the clinic last week and talked to them about Bennett's gas (and a few other things!). They said it was probably unrelated to the enzymes. They suggested we get infant supositories which I did. I have given him one each of the last three mornings b/c he has gone over 24 hours with a BM and he seems very unconfortable. The supositories work great but we don't want to become dependant on them. I am going to call the clinic on Monday to see if we should try the prunes (can't hurt!). He also still seems very hungry to me. He is on all formular now and is taking 4 1/2 oz every 2.5 to 3 hours. I think he weights between 10.5 and 11 lbs. I will also discuss this with the clinic. So far he does not have the diaper rash everyone is talking about. He is also more spitty than I like so the clinic said they may put us on an acid blocker if he got worse. Sorry for the long ramble.


My son is two months old and taking two caps of creon 5 with meals, when the doc increases his med it usually takes a few days for his body to adjust, for example he will spit up more often,


My son is two months old and taking two caps of creon 5 with meals, when the doc increases his med it usually takes a few days for his body to adjust, for example he will spit up more often,


My son is two months old and taking two caps of creon 5 with meals, when the doc increases his med it usually takes a few days for his body to adjust, for example he will spit up more often,


My son is two months old and taking two caps of creon 5 with meals, when the doc increases his med it usually takes a few days for his body to adjust, for example he will spit up more often,


My son is two months old and taking two caps of creon 5 with meals, when the doc increases his med it usually takes a few days for his body to adjust, for example he will spit up more often,


New member
Paula: Hi there! Holly Ann had horrible gas from the beginning especially before we knew about the cf and had her on enzymes. She was dx at 6 weeks and started on 1/2 capsule of creon 5. The gas improved a little bit and her bowel movements did become more formed and less frequent. We did have trouble finding the right dose of enzymes at first and relied on the mylicon drops to keep her comfortable. I would call your clinic also and just let them know because the dose may be too much like the others have said. Holly Ann is now 16 months old and we have not had gas problems in a long time. She is still on creon 5 and taking 4 capsules with meals and 2 with snacks. Good luck to you guys and we will keep you and the little one in our prayers: Kristan


New member
Paula: Hi there! Holly Ann had horrible gas from the beginning especially before we knew about the cf and had her on enzymes. She was dx at 6 weeks and started on 1/2 capsule of creon 5. The gas improved a little bit and her bowel movements did become more formed and less frequent. We did have trouble finding the right dose of enzymes at first and relied on the mylicon drops to keep her comfortable. I would call your clinic also and just let them know because the dose may be too much like the others have said. Holly Ann is now 16 months old and we have not had gas problems in a long time. She is still on creon 5 and taking 4 capsules with meals and 2 with snacks. Good luck to you guys and we will keep you and the little one in our prayers: Kristan


New member
Paula: Hi there! Holly Ann had horrible gas from the beginning especially before we knew about the cf and had her on enzymes. She was dx at 6 weeks and started on 1/2 capsule of creon 5. The gas improved a little bit and her bowel movements did become more formed and less frequent. We did have trouble finding the right dose of enzymes at first and relied on the mylicon drops to keep her comfortable. I would call your clinic also and just let them know because the dose may be too much like the others have said. Holly Ann is now 16 months old and we have not had gas problems in a long time. She is still on creon 5 and taking 4 capsules with meals and 2 with snacks. Good luck to you guys and we will keep you and the little one in our prayers: Kristan


New member
Paula: Hi there! Holly Ann had horrible gas from the beginning especially before we knew about the cf and had her on enzymes. She was dx at 6 weeks and started on 1/2 capsule of creon 5. The gas improved a little bit and her bowel movements did become more formed and less frequent. We did have trouble finding the right dose of enzymes at first and relied on the mylicon drops to keep her comfortable. I would call your clinic also and just let them know because the dose may be too much like the others have said. Holly Ann is now 16 months old and we have not had gas problems in a long time. She is still on creon 5 and taking 4 capsules with meals and 2 with snacks. Good luck to you guys and we will keep you and the little one in our prayers: Kristan


New member
Paula: Hi there! Holly Ann had horrible gas from the beginning especially before we knew about the cf and had her on enzymes. She was dx at 6 weeks and started on 1/2 capsule of creon 5. The gas improved a little bit and her bowel movements did become more formed and less frequent. We did have trouble finding the right dose of enzymes at first and relied on the mylicon drops to keep her comfortable. I would call your clinic also and just let them know because the dose may be too much like the others have said. Holly Ann is now 16 months old and we have not had gas problems in a long time. She is still on creon 5 and taking 4 capsules with meals and 2 with snacks. Good luck to you guys and we will keep you and the little one in our prayers: Kristan