
New member
Hi, kdmr1220, i'm 43 years old and belive me it was very hard for me to make that same dission I have 4 children , so , i undersatnd what your going threw , I just had to deside witch was more important,( ME ) or the things i could give them, ultamatliy the desion isn't up to us but, my doc said the longer i push it the more likely I was cutting my time down. its not easy working all your life and then all of the sudden nothing but i belive i made the right desion.


New member
Hi, kdmr1220, i'm 43 years old and belive me it was very hard for me to make that same dission I have 4 children , so , i undersatnd what your going threw , I just had to deside witch was more important,( ME ) or the things i could give them, ultamatliy the desion isn't up to us but, my doc said the longer i push it the more likely I was cutting my time down. its not easy working all your life and then all of the sudden nothing but i belive i made the right desion.


New member
Hi, kdmr1220, i'm 43 years old and belive me it was very hard for me to make that same dission I have 4 children , so , i undersatnd what your going threw , I just had to deside witch was more important,( ME ) or the things i could give them, ultamatliy the desion isn't up to us but, my doc said the longer i push it the more likely I was cutting my time down. its not easy working all your life and then all of the sudden nothing but i belive i made the right desion.


New member
Hi, kdmr1220, i'm 43 years old and belive me it was very hard for me to make that same dission I have 4 children , so , i undersatnd what your going threw , I just had to deside witch was more important,( ME ) or the things i could give them, ultamatliy the desion isn't up to us but, my doc said the longer i push it the more likely I was cutting my time down. its not easy working all your life and then all of the sudden nothing but i belive i made the right desion.


New member
Hi, kdmr1220, i'm 43 years old and belive me it was very hard for me to make that same dission I have 4 children , so , i undersatnd what your going threw , I just had to deside witch was more important,( ME ) or the things i could give them, ultamatliy the desion isn't up to us but, my doc said the longer i push it the more likely I was cutting my time down. its not easy working all your life and then all of the sudden nothing but i belive i made the right desion.
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