Krissy Klinovski
New member
I am hoping someone can offer advice. When I was pregnant. I found out my husband and I were both CF carriers. I carry the R117H gene while he has the DeltaF508 gene. We decided not to do amniocentesis and to wait till our son was born to find out if he would have what we were told would be a more mild form of CF.
Our son was born in October. Healthy, great APGAR score. Newborn Screening was done. We never heard anything back about it. We get military post treatment, as my husband was in the military. I requested the results of his newborn screen from the multiple pediatricians we have seen (We see a different one each time we go in.) all the peds keep telling me is, we would have be notified if he had CF. So I am guessing his newborn screen was negative for CF.
Well now he is four months old, he has been sick since birth. He developed RSV at 6 weeks old. He's had chronic breathing issues. Always congested, grunts or moans loudly when exhaling, coughs frequently. He doesn't seem to be getting better. I keep taking him in to be seen at the on post pediatric clinic. He is gaining weight normally so they keep dismissing me as an over worried mother. However I was told that the R117H mutation (without a 5 or 7 T variant) will not likely cause pancreatic problems and "failure to thrive", that is typical of classical CF. I have explained this to the head of the pediatric clinic here, and asked for further testing to be done. He basically told me that if it did not show on the newborn screen, it's highly unlikely that my son has CF.
This isn't my first child. I have a 6 year old from a previous marriage, so I've delt with my fair share of common colds and congestion. I know something more is wrong with my son. He is weezing, always congested, and this grunting noise he frequently does, either after a coughing fit, or when exhaling isn't normal. I have taped it. The link is included below. If you can't see it let me know.
What I am wanting to know is: Is it possible he does have CF and the newborn screen missed it? How do I go about convincing these doctors to re-test him? Has anyone else noticed this kind of a grunt/moan in their baby, is it common with CF? It sounds to me like he is trying to get mucus up and out of his airway, or has a restricted airway.
Our son was born in October. Healthy, great APGAR score. Newborn Screening was done. We never heard anything back about it. We get military post treatment, as my husband was in the military. I requested the results of his newborn screen from the multiple pediatricians we have seen (We see a different one each time we go in.) all the peds keep telling me is, we would have be notified if he had CF. So I am guessing his newborn screen was negative for CF.
Well now he is four months old, he has been sick since birth. He developed RSV at 6 weeks old. He's had chronic breathing issues. Always congested, grunts or moans loudly when exhaling, coughs frequently. He doesn't seem to be getting better. I keep taking him in to be seen at the on post pediatric clinic. He is gaining weight normally so they keep dismissing me as an over worried mother. However I was told that the R117H mutation (without a 5 or 7 T variant) will not likely cause pancreatic problems and "failure to thrive", that is typical of classical CF. I have explained this to the head of the pediatric clinic here, and asked for further testing to be done. He basically told me that if it did not show on the newborn screen, it's highly unlikely that my son has CF.
This isn't my first child. I have a 6 year old from a previous marriage, so I've delt with my fair share of common colds and congestion. I know something more is wrong with my son. He is weezing, always congested, and this grunting noise he frequently does, either after a coughing fit, or when exhaling isn't normal. I have taped it. The link is included below. If you can't see it let me know.
What I am wanting to know is: Is it possible he does have CF and the newborn screen missed it? How do I go about convincing these doctors to re-test him? Has anyone else noticed this kind of a grunt/moan in their baby, is it common with CF? It sounds to me like he is trying to get mucus up and out of his airway, or has a restricted airway.