My son was born normally at 41 weeks. He was 7lbs. 11ozs. at birth. He was generally a healthy baby. He gained weight steadily and was 10lbs. 8 ozs at 6 weeks old. He was hospitalized overnight for reflux in December at 3 months old. He was doing fine and went to the doctor's office for a cough and they weighed him he was 10 lbs 5 ozs. So the doctor ordered a sweat test. I was called and told his sweat test came back positive at 62 but the doctor wanted a second opinion and sent us to Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh. He was admitted for 24 hour observation a week ago. They've done several tests including liver function which came back slightly elevated, 72 hour fecal fat which we are awaiting results of, a biopsy of the small intestine ( to test for celiac diease), and so much blood work. He still hasn't gained weight despite eating 4 ozs every 2 hours. They did a second sweat test which at first they said was negative but then came back and said they couldn't get enough sweat. He is constipated and has always had issues with that. He does SMELL like poop (like another poster said) and has a balloon belly. They don't want to another sweat test. They want us to stay in the hospital another 2 weeks until genetic tests return. I don't understand why they won't do sweat test!! We've been here a week already ( I'm typing on a laptop in the room) Does it sound like CF to you guys?