5 yo son had 1st sweat test of 89


New member
Thanks for all the replies! I really am thankful that we did find out what the root of all his coughing is so we can begin treatment. When I spoke to my son's pulmonoligist over the weekend he did say he wanted some genetic testing done (97 mutations on the 1st test & 1000 for the 2nd) and some other lab work. I just got a call a few minutes ago and the dr wants a tracheal culture done to see if my son needs to be on tobi...whatever that is!! Wow, so much info, you're exactly right!

I just read your blog Alyssa and wow, more good info, a lot of it was greek to me, but I'm sure it will make more sense after I speak to the dr at the end of the week.


New member
Thanks for all the replies! I really am thankful that we did find out what the root of all his coughing is so we can begin treatment. When I spoke to my son's pulmonoligist over the weekend he did say he wanted some genetic testing done (97 mutations on the 1st test & 1000 for the 2nd) and some other lab work. I just got a call a few minutes ago and the dr wants a tracheal culture done to see if my son needs to be on tobi...whatever that is!! Wow, so much info, you're exactly right!

I just read your blog Alyssa and wow, more good info, a lot of it was greek to me, but I'm sure it will make more sense after I speak to the dr at the end of the week.


New member
Thanks for all the replies! I really am thankful that we did find out what the root of all his coughing is so we can begin treatment. When I spoke to my son's pulmonoligist over the weekend he did say he wanted some genetic testing done (97 mutations on the 1st test & 1000 for the 2nd) and some other lab work. I just got a call a few minutes ago and the dr wants a tracheal culture done to see if my son needs to be on tobi...whatever that is!! Wow, so much info, you're exactly right!

I just read your blog Alyssa and wow, more good info, a lot of it was greek to me, but I'm sure it will make more sense after I speak to the dr at the end of the week.


New member
Thanks for all the replies! I really am thankful that we did find out what the root of all his coughing is so we can begin treatment. When I spoke to my son's pulmonoligist over the weekend he did say he wanted some genetic testing done (97 mutations on the 1st test & 1000 for the 2nd) and some other lab work. I just got a call a few minutes ago and the dr wants a tracheal culture done to see if my son needs to be on tobi...whatever that is!! Wow, so much info, you're exactly right!

I just read your blog Alyssa and wow, more good info, a lot of it was greek to me, but I'm sure it will make more sense after I speak to the dr at the end of the week.


New member
Thanks for all the replies! I really am thankful that we did find out what the root of all his coughing is so we can begin treatment. When I spoke to my son's pulmonoligist over the weekend he did say he wanted some genetic testing done (97 mutations on the 1st test & 1000 for the 2nd) and some other lab work. I just got a call a few minutes ago and the dr wants a tracheal culture done to see if my son needs to be on tobi...whatever that is!! Wow, so much info, you're exactly right!

I just read your blog Alyssa and wow, more good info, a lot of it was greek to me, but I'm sure it will make more sense after I speak to the dr at the end of the week.


Welcome to the board you never knew or wanted to need. I'm sorry your son has been diagnosed, but you are right it will help him a lot to take care of his cough and whatever is causing it.

I hear you on everything being greek. I remember that feeling, you need to learn a whole new language, and before you know it you will forget what you knew about CF before diagnosis. It will all fit slowly into place. In the meantime be good to yourself and your son, its a big mental adjustment!! HUGS to you!


Welcome to the board you never knew or wanted to need. I'm sorry your son has been diagnosed, but you are right it will help him a lot to take care of his cough and whatever is causing it.

I hear you on everything being greek. I remember that feeling, you need to learn a whole new language, and before you know it you will forget what you knew about CF before diagnosis. It will all fit slowly into place. In the meantime be good to yourself and your son, its a big mental adjustment!! HUGS to you!


Welcome to the board you never knew or wanted to need. I'm sorry your son has been diagnosed, but you are right it will help him a lot to take care of his cough and whatever is causing it.

I hear you on everything being greek. I remember that feeling, you need to learn a whole new language, and before you know it you will forget what you knew about CF before diagnosis. It will all fit slowly into place. In the meantime be good to yourself and your son, its a big mental adjustment!! HUGS to you!


Welcome to the board you never knew or wanted to need. I'm sorry your son has been diagnosed, but you are right it will help him a lot to take care of his cough and whatever is causing it.

I hear you on everything being greek. I remember that feeling, you need to learn a whole new language, and before you know it you will forget what you knew about CF before diagnosis. It will all fit slowly into place. In the meantime be good to yourself and your son, its a big mental adjustment!! HUGS to you!


Welcome to the board you never knew or wanted to need. I'm sorry your son has been diagnosed, but you are right it will help him a lot to take care of his cough and whatever is causing it.

I hear you on everything being greek. I remember that feeling, you need to learn a whole new language, and before you know it you will forget what you knew about CF before diagnosis. It will all fit slowly into place. In the meantime be good to yourself and your son, its a big mental adjustment!! HUGS to you!


New member
Welcome Sharon. I'm sorry your son's doc assumed he was fine. That is unfortunately something that happens all too frequently. My son wasn't dx until he was 15 yo. The good news is that he is now healthier than he has ever been. Getting your son the right meds should make a huge difference in his health. Keep us posted.



New member
Welcome Sharon. I'm sorry your son's doc assumed he was fine. That is unfortunately something that happens all too frequently. My son wasn't dx until he was 15 yo. The good news is that he is now healthier than he has ever been. Getting your son the right meds should make a huge difference in his health. Keep us posted.



New member
Welcome Sharon. I'm sorry your son's doc assumed he was fine. That is unfortunately something that happens all too frequently. My son wasn't dx until he was 15 yo. The good news is that he is now healthier than he has ever been. Getting your son the right meds should make a huge difference in his health. Keep us posted.



New member
Welcome Sharon. I'm sorry your son's doc assumed he was fine. That is unfortunately something that happens all too frequently. My son wasn't dx until he was 15 yo. The good news is that he is now healthier than he has ever been. Getting your son the right meds should make a huge difference in his health. Keep us posted.



New member
Welcome Sharon. I'm sorry your son's doc assumed he was fine. That is unfortunately something that happens all too frequently. My son wasn't dx until he was 15 yo. The good news is that he is now healthier than he has ever been. Getting your son the right meds should make a huge difference in his health. Keep us posted.
