504 Plans


New member
I have a 504 too set up through my councilor. During long hospital stays 3weeks or longer they sent a tutor (who is kinda useless). I also can leave class at anytime to go the bathroom, check my blood sugar, to cough, or if I feel I need to get up and walk around to help my lungs. The teachers can't get after me for coming late or being absent either. My doctor refuses to sign me out of PE, but I've gotten a 2 week break before and I can stop my activity whenever I need to.

Me, my mom, and the councilor make sure they all take this very seriously. I once threw up on myself in PE because I choked so hard after running. Then my teacher complained when I made him go upstairs and unlock the locker door to change clothes. He got a nice little unpayed vacation for his whining.


New member
I have a 504 too set up through my councilor. During long hospital stays 3weeks or longer they sent a tutor (who is kinda useless). I also can leave class at anytime to go the bathroom, check my blood sugar, to cough, or if I feel I need to get up and walk around to help my lungs. The teachers can't get after me for coming late or being absent either. My doctor refuses to sign me out of PE, but I've gotten a 2 week break before and I can stop my activity whenever I need to.

Me, my mom, and the councilor make sure they all take this very seriously. I once threw up on myself in PE because I choked so hard after running. Then my teacher complained when I made him go upstairs and unlock the locker door to change clothes. He got a nice little unpayed vacation for his whining.


New member
I have a 504 too set up through my councilor. During long hospital stays 3weeks or longer they sent a tutor (who is kinda useless). I also can leave class at anytime to go the bathroom, check my blood sugar, to cough, or if I feel I need to get up and walk around to help my lungs. The teachers can't get after me for coming late or being absent either. My doctor refuses to sign me out of PE, but I've gotten a 2 week break before and I can stop my activity whenever I need to.

Me, my mom, and the councilor make sure they all take this very seriously. I once threw up on myself in PE because I choked so hard after running. Then my teacher complained when I made him go upstairs and unlock the locker door to change clothes. He got a nice little unpayed vacation for his whining.


New member
I have a 504 too set up through my councilor. During long hospital stays 3weeks or longer they sent a tutor (who is kinda useless). I also can leave class at anytime to go the bathroom, check my blood sugar, to cough, or if I feel I need to get up and walk around to help my lungs. The teachers can't get after me for coming late or being absent either. My doctor refuses to sign me out of PE, but I've gotten a 2 week break before and I can stop my activity whenever I need to.

Me, my mom, and the councilor make sure they all take this very seriously. I once threw up on myself in PE because I choked so hard after running. Then my teacher complained when I made him go upstairs and unlock the locker door to change clothes. He got a nice little unpayed vacation for his whining.


New member
I have a 504 too set up through my councilor. During long hospital stays 3weeks or longer they sent a tutor (who is kinda useless). I also can leave class at anytime to go the bathroom, check my blood sugar, to cough, or if I feel I need to get up and walk around to help my lungs. The teachers can't get after me for coming late or being absent either. My doctor refuses to sign me out of PE, but I've gotten a 2 week break before and I can stop my activity whenever I need to.
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<br />Me, my mom, and the councilor make sure they all take this very seriously. I once threw up on myself in PE because I choked so hard after running. Then my teacher complained when I made him go upstairs and unlock the locker door to change clothes. He got a nice little unpayed vacation for his whining.