600 mg Ib profin for rib pain not enough



Went to the ER for rib pain. They decided it was either a pulled muscle or cracked rib probably a pulled muscle they said and prescribed me 600 mg of ibuprofen three times a day. It is not helping at all. If anything the pain is worse than when I was taking two Advil. Also the pain seems to have moved from lower left ribs to further up across from breast under armpit. What is the norm of medication for this type of thing? Are they just not giving me enough so should I go back? This is going to be very expensive, but I feel like nothing they did has helped.


Super Moderator
Hi Jeana,

So sorry you are experiencing pain. I am having something similar right now that I initially thought was a pinched nerve or pulled muscle, but now I'm starting to think it's pleurisy.

Anyway, I think often ER docs (or docs who aren't familiar with a patient) are conservative with pain meds. Sadly, there are so many drug seeking individuals out there looking for narcotics and muscle relaxants these days that they don't know who's who. Therefore are reluctant to prescribe anything substantial. If it was an option, I would suggest calling the on call number for your CF team. They might be able to give you some advice as well as prescribe something. Also, it could be an exacerbation kicking up pleural pain, so they may want to start some antibiotics.

Keep in mind I'm not a medical professional, but prescription strength Ibuprofen is 800 mg. That is the equivalent of taking 4 of the 200 mg tablets at one time. If 600 mgs is not doing it, you could try bumping it up to 800. I'd be careful with a lot of ibuprofen if you have a history of hemopytosis (lung bleeds) though.

Good luck to you, and I hope you start feeling better soon!

Autumn 34 w/CF


I am so sorry you are in pain I once left to go on a trip to Florida ,I did a chest Ex Ray when I left PA and they said i was fine to go when I was driving with my BF we ended up going to the ER as the pain was killing me They Exrayed me said i was fine gave me Pan Meds and sent me on the way well when I got home three weeks later they had left a massage my Lung was collasped and to get to the er soon as possible I think there are times they miss things I am taking Oxycodone as the pain is the worst I ever felt did a CT scan shows nothing but I am in pain so bad I just have to take it easy for now I find hot packs help some but other than that nothing helps take this horrible pain awayHope you feel better soon


New member
So sorry you are going through so much pain. One member mentioned pleurisy and that pain is horrible. There are so many things it could be. Another mentioned a collapsed lung, that sounds so serious. Over time (I'm in my 60's now) I have broken at least 4 ribs on different occasions from coughing alone. Some are hard to see on xray, they can be hairline cracks and be very painful as much as more visible ones. Also muscle strain is painful too. Over the years the doctors have tried different meds, I cannot take any kind of nsaid as I tend to develop hemoptysis rather frequently. So my drug is Tylenol #3. They started me on just two a day 25 years ago. I am now taking 2 Tylenol #3 several times a day. On bad days, I take them 4 x day. I am mindful of the safe/unsafe amounts of acetaminophen that our bodies can handle. I never take over the line. My doctor doesn't like my taking so much and he tried to switch me to just codeine pills but it didn't cover the pain at all. Where I'm in my 60s I was able to convince him that at this stage I just need to have the pain covered when it's at its worst. Some times I slather arnica gel on the areas where there is pain and that works for when it isn't so horrendous and I don't have to take the pills til later. These are just some ways this older gal gets by on the bad pain. If anybody here is into using homeopathic remedies along with our regular meds, there is one called sepia 30c that helps me with the pleurisy pain. I'm not trying to get people into it, just mentioning what works for me. Like I said, over time I have investigated many ways of handling the pain, and these are what have worked for me. I wish you well, and that you can find relief from the pain. Donna