

New member
CF, CFRD, Depression and Libido

JUMPS UP & DOWN, WAVES HAND...I do I do....I am not sure how much is actually CF related. I dont have CFRD, but am considered borderline because of easy sugar problems with infections. Depression woud definitely interfere with things as well as some of the meds for it. CF itself can cause problems for me because of the constant dryness, llack of sexuality one might have while sick etc. Its is MUCH MUCH worse when I am sick. A couple of months ago when my weight was going up, my healt was good & my mind was right things were TERRIFIC, but once I started having a flareup that all went into the toilet. Now I am working on it again. Its a yo yo cycle for me. Thankfully I have an Angel of a hubby!


New member
CF, CFRD, Depression and Libido

JUMPS UP & DOWN, WAVES HAND...I do I do....I am not sure how much is actually CF related. I dont have CFRD, but am considered borderline because of easy sugar problems with infections. Depression woud definitely interfere with things as well as some of the meds for it. CF itself can cause problems for me because of the constant dryness, llack of sexuality one might have while sick etc. Its is MUCH MUCH worse when I am sick. A couple of months ago when my weight was going up, my healt was good & my mind was right things were TERRIFIC, but once I started having a flareup that all went into the toilet. Now I am working on it again. Its a yo yo cycle for me. Thankfully I have an Angel of a hubby!


New member
CF, CFRD, Depression and Libido

JUMPS UP & DOWN, WAVES HAND...I do I do....I am not sure how much is actually CF related. I dont have CFRD, but am considered borderline because of easy sugar problems with infections. Depression woud definitely interfere with things as well as some of the meds for it. CF itself can cause problems for me because of the constant dryness, llack of sexuality one might have while sick etc. Its is MUCH MUCH worse when I am sick. A couple of months ago when my weight was going up, my healt was good & my mind was right things were TERRIFIC, but once I started having a flareup that all went into the toilet. Now I am working on it again. Its a yo yo cycle for me. Thankfully I have an Angel of a hubby!


New member
CF, CFRD, Depression and Libido

Yep. I don't know if it is neccesarily cf related-or due to the fact that I am tired, I also have had emotional related sexual issues from old baggage, so its partly due to that-That would fall under the depression category.
Its gotten better after 2 years of therapy. And when I feel good-particularly in the summertime, I am great! Also when my hubby is away for a few days plowing snow (thats what he does for a living) I can't wait to get cozy when he gets home!
So I think its more due to emotional issues for me, and fatigue sometimes.

Now that I'm pregnant I think about it alot more often though.....<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
CF, CFRD, Depression and Libido

Yep. I don't know if it is neccesarily cf related-or due to the fact that I am tired, I also have had emotional related sexual issues from old baggage, so its partly due to that-That would fall under the depression category.
Its gotten better after 2 years of therapy. And when I feel good-particularly in the summertime, I am great! Also when my hubby is away for a few days plowing snow (thats what he does for a living) I can't wait to get cozy when he gets home!
So I think its more due to emotional issues for me, and fatigue sometimes.

Now that I'm pregnant I think about it alot more often though.....<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
CF, CFRD, Depression and Libido

Yep. I don't know if it is neccesarily cf related-or due to the fact that I am tired, I also have had emotional related sexual issues from old baggage, so its partly due to that-That would fall under the depression category.
Its gotten better after 2 years of therapy. And when I feel good-particularly in the summertime, I am great! Also when my hubby is away for a few days plowing snow (thats what he does for a living) I can't wait to get cozy when he gets home!
So I think its more due to emotional issues for me, and fatigue sometimes.

Now that I'm pregnant I think about it alot more often though.....<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
CF, CFRD, Depression and Libido

Yes I have this problem but for me it is more related to the fact that I just don't have the energy that much anymore. It takes so much energy to do normal everyday things that when it comes to anything intimate I have to be having a REALLY GREAT day to have the energy for it.

It isn't that I don't want to .. like I said it is a lack of energy thing. It has definitely worsened as I have gotten sicker/more sick (however is the right way to say it).

Happy Holidays,


New member
CF, CFRD, Depression and Libido

Yes I have this problem but for me it is more related to the fact that I just don't have the energy that much anymore. It takes so much energy to do normal everyday things that when it comes to anything intimate I have to be having a REALLY GREAT day to have the energy for it.

It isn't that I don't want to .. like I said it is a lack of energy thing. It has definitely worsened as I have gotten sicker/more sick (however is the right way to say it).

Happy Holidays,


New member
CF, CFRD, Depression and Libido

Yes I have this problem but for me it is more related to the fact that I just don't have the energy that much anymore. It takes so much energy to do normal everyday things that when it comes to anything intimate I have to be having a REALLY GREAT day to have the energy for it.

It isn't that I don't want to .. like I said it is a lack of energy thing. It has definitely worsened as I have gotten sicker/more sick (however is the right way to say it).

Happy Holidays,


New member
CF, CFRD, Depression and Libido

I would say that I am that I am actually in the opposite catagory. When I'm depressed I want sex more (although I can see how the opposite would be true). I think sex makes me feel better, I get some resurrance that my hubby still thinks I'm attractive and sexy.


New member
CF, CFRD, Depression and Libido

I would say that I am that I am actually in the opposite catagory. When I'm depressed I want sex more (although I can see how the opposite would be true). I think sex makes me feel better, I get some resurrance that my hubby still thinks I'm attractive and sexy.


New member
CF, CFRD, Depression and Libido

I would say that I am that I am actually in the opposite catagory. When I'm depressed I want sex more (although I can see how the opposite would be true). I think sex makes me feel better, I get some resurrance that my hubby still thinks I'm attractive and sexy.


New member
CF, CFRD, Depression and Libido

Yes, yes, yes, the older i get the worse it gets. i think when i went through my changes it really started going downhill, although once i get going it's still great, it's just the get going part.. thank God i have a great husband... we have a big age difference (he's younger than me) which makes it ever worse.. depression doesn't help the meds really mess with the libido, if your on these meds they may be the cause, also not feeling good does a number on anyone... hope your feeling better .... Joni.... 54 almost 55 y/o f w c/f


New member
CF, CFRD, Depression and Libido

Yes, yes, yes, the older i get the worse it gets. i think when i went through my changes it really started going downhill, although once i get going it's still great, it's just the get going part.. thank God i have a great husband... we have a big age difference (he's younger than me) which makes it ever worse.. depression doesn't help the meds really mess with the libido, if your on these meds they may be the cause, also not feeling good does a number on anyone... hope your feeling better .... Joni.... 54 almost 55 y/o f w c/f


New member
CF, CFRD, Depression and Libido

Yes, yes, yes, the older i get the worse it gets. i think when i went through my changes it really started going downhill, although once i get going it's still great, it's just the get going part.. thank God i have a great husband... we have a big age difference (he's younger than me) which makes it ever worse.. depression doesn't help the meds really mess with the libido, if your on these meds they may be the cause, also not feeling good does a number on anyone... hope your feeling better .... Joni.... 54 almost 55 y/o f w c/f


New member
CF, CFRD, Depression and Libido

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>BelEAche</b></i>
although once i get going it's still great, it's just the get going part.. thank God i have a great husband Joni.... 54 almost 55 y/o f w c/f</end quote></div>

This fits me to a T! I am not alone, I am not alone~~~


New member
CF, CFRD, Depression and Libido

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>BelEAche</b></i>
although once i get going it's still great, it's just the get going part.. thank God i have a great husband Joni.... 54 almost 55 y/o f w c/f</end quote></div>

This fits me to a T! I am not alone, I am not alone~~~