8 month old cultured pseudomonas


New member
Can any one help me out. do you know any one who has cultured this at such a young age. Please give advise and what the results are.Is it true for what I have read that you can culture this after they have had the RSV virus?She had RSV in Feb. and now is July.She has not had any lung infections except the RSV but still during this xrays showed her lungs clear.
Mom of Saydee


New member
Some people will just get pseudo sooner than others. Just be sure the docs keep an eye on it. I've cultured pseudo for about 15 years now but its still not resistant and oral antibiotics still work for me. Keep a positive out look on this.


New member
My daughter cultured pseudomonas at six months age - she is now 3 and is doing very well so dont think that the road is all downhill from here!!! I was devastated and thought that she was going to have one huge battle on her hands but this has not been the case for her and when the specialist looked at her last x-ray she was most happy with what she saw!!! But for me personally knowing that she has psuedomonas know i ensure that she is put on antibiotics straight away at first sign of flare-up!!


New member
Hi that is interesting about RSV and although my daughter did have RSV in 2/2004 and cultured pseudo in 7/2004 (just after her diagnosis at age 1) I do know of other CF kids that have had RSV and haven't cultured pseudo...I suppose that in theory their lungs could be more susceptable(sp) to the bacterias after having a serious infection but I don't have any concrete facts on that!

Just an FYI, my daughter cultured pseudo. 2 or 3 times but hasn't cultured it for 8 months now (and had a CT Scan in April which showed no signs of it) so there is hope that it can be eradicated if caught early enough and treated agressively. Although, as you probably already know, an eradication doesn't guarentee that it won't come back again in the future. It seems like pseudo. colonization is inevitable but we can hope it comes later rather than sooner.

Big Hugs to you and Saydee,
Kelli (mom of Sydney 2 wcf)


New member
Mom to saydee, my husband mark first cultured pseudo pretty young, before the age of five and although not as young as your daughter, he has been living wiht it for over 20 years. It' comes and goes, and it varies as to how often. in 2002 he cultured it again for the first time in about 2 years, then he was good for about 8 months or so, and cultured it again mid and late 2003, again in 2004, about 3 times in 2004, and hasn't cultured it since January 2005. The only way he can tell he has it, is that he can notice a different taste in his mouth (I can smell it if I am really close to him sometimes, I'm use to it now after 6 years but I still think, "there's that sweet smell again") and he gets a little more congested. Usually a course of Cipro cleared it right up (oral cipro), but in 2004 he showed a slight resistance to it on a culture and sensitivity panel, so the doctor put him on TOBI and his next culture came back clean.

I can imagine this is difficult, as it seems this might be the first "CF BUG" she has cultured, but as another parent said, "it's not all downhill from here". As I said, my husband has cultured it on and off for over 20 years, and he's a pretty healthy guy. Hope all goes well for her next culture and it shows up clear.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
I just read that RSV doesn't cause Psued. but the children seem to be more septible to get psued. after a bout with RSV. Thanks for your help. We started Cipro yest. for 14 days and will do Tobi starting next week for 28 days.Albany med. is in hopes it will erred. I am not sure what the scale they use to measure the throat cultures but they said it was 1.0 and that isn't very much they said.I asked how her over all health looked and they said she is doing good no hospital stays even having RSV her lungs stayed clear and her weight is 16.55 pounds and is 25.5 inches long. She is 50% for weight. So hopefully it will be a milder case of cf. On record there has only been one other person with this mutation and know one recorded witha Novel variant E1228K. So thanks again.
Saydee's mom


New member
Our 5 year old child cultured pseudo at 4 months of age....she went through TOBI 3 times until she was 10 months and then went through IV treatment...this helped for about 1 1/2 years and then she cultured it again. We then did TOBI on and off for awhile. She is now back on it but doing remarkably well!!!! Just keep up the good work you are doing and I believe your child will do OK <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Best of luck to you!


New member
My daughter cultured pseud at just under a year and a half... she is now 2 1/2 and hasn't cultured it since. She was given 3 weeks of Cipro and it went away. Interesting about the RSV... we've dealt with two different CF centers (one in PA and now in TX) and both insisted that we get the RSV antibody for her until the age of two. It's called Synagis. It's not a guarantee they won't get it but it helps protect them from it. It's generally given to babies born with premature lungs and any other baby up until the age of two with other resp issues. She rec'd it every 30 days from Oct to March the past two years.

Jenn (mom to Kimmie 2 1/2 w/cf)


New member
My son culture psuedo before he was 1 year old and the pulm. said that there was a big possibility it was just in his upper respiratory system so it showed up on the culture. Of course, we still did TOBI, but it was a couple of years before it showed up again. Carey